Oh my word. The whole reason I bought and watched the original version of
The Wicker Man,
was as a result of a series of conversations I with a good online friend of mine. She's a serious devotee and when she first found out Nic Cage was remaking it, there may have been talk of international intrigue and possible sabotage. Fortunately, she lives lives in the U.K., and isn't rich, so it was just talk. Clearly, her fears were on the money, though.
Why is he beating up all the girls? What's with the bees?
An essay arguing that R2-D2 and Chewie were the real heroes of Star Wars, and Han Solo was Chewie's dupe: [link]
Ever since the first time I saw
Return of the Jedi
I decided that R2 was clearly the only one who understood the entirety of the
let's go save Han
plan. Certainly more than 3P0
Certainly more than 3P0
C-3PO is basically a gay ditz in bondage pants, staggering around through the movie, fluttering his hands and yelping, "Oh my!"
25th Anniversary Edition of The Last Unicorn to be released in February.
There seems to be a featurette and a game but other than that, few extras.
An essay arguing that R2-D2 and Chewie were the real heroes of Star Wars, and Han Solo was Chewie's dupe: [link]
It's certainly believable. No way in hell was it Lucas' intent, but it definitely makes internal sense. I'm now tempted to re-watch the trilogy with that view in mind.
a gay ditz in bondage pants
Wait, what pants? It was a whole bondage
Or else he was an escaped Bond girl from
Wait, what pants? It was a whole bondage outfit.
Yeah, but he walked like he had his bondage straps hooked up between both legs.
Ever since the first time I saw Return of the Jedi I decided that R2 was clearly the only one who understood the entirety of the let's go save Han plan. Certainly more than 3P0
I'm sure what started it off was Chewie getting captured, which I don't see as planned at all. I have a feeling Chewie was meant to relay messages from Lando to Luke and the rest from the outside while Lando got the lay of the land and how Jabba worked. Then Chewie got caught and no one heard from him or Lando and they had to move to plan B and C.
Most-likely, Luke saw through the Force how everything was likely to play out, hence giving R2 his lightsaber and gifting them droids to Jabba, but being a Jedi he felt it necessary to try to go the route of non-violence first and agreed to let Leia sneak in and try to spring Han on her own. If that worked, great. R2 would likely figure out what happened to Lando and Chewie, and then get the lot of them out somehow. But there's no way R2 could get either a frozen in carbonite or hibernation-sickened Han out of there on his own, even with 3PO's "help."
Incidently, this all plays into the essay's thesis that Chewie and R2 were the Rebellion's top spies as well. Heh.
Yeah, but he walked like he had his bondage straps hooked up between both legs.
Damn, what was that quote from BARCELONA?