I'm not sure this will be quite as funny if you haven't seen it, but some wonderful person has compiled all of Nick Cage's very best work from the remake of The Wicker Man, including one absolute gem that must have been on the deleted scenes reel. Go. Watch. Laugh.
Step AWAY....from the BIKE...
I can't imagine how funny it is if you have seen it. That is HYSTERICAL.
Seriously?! "My eyes! My eyes!!!"
Oh man, that could be a watch-and-drink at some point.
Okay, I didn't see the movie because I don't like horror movies, but wow, that's just hilariously bad. I mean, the bee thing bothered me because
t shudder
having bees poured on you is just augh, but the over-acting made that scene more WTF than anything else.
Oh my.
I think if he'd been in the bear suit the whole time, it would be the greatest movie ever made.
Ever since
Vampire's Kiss
I've had a lot of respect for Nicolas Cage & his method acting. The script called for him to eat a cockroach and he insisted on doing it for real; even though he puked on the first take he did it again!
Of course it does feel kinda weird writing about my respect for Nicolas Cage while I can hear the trailer for
Ghost Rider
playing in the lobby.
Oh my word. The whole reason I bought and watched the original version of
The Wicker Man,
was as a result of a series of conversations I with a good online friend of mine. She's a serious devotee and when she first found out Nic Cage was remaking it, there may have been talk of international intrigue and possible sabotage. Fortunately, she lives lives in the U.K., and isn't rich, so it was just talk. Clearly, her fears were on the money, though.
Why is he beating up all the girls? What's with the bees?
An essay arguing that R2-D2 and Chewie were the real heroes of Star Wars, and Han Solo was Chewie's dupe: [link]
Ever since the first time I saw
Return of the Jedi
I decided that R2 was clearly the only one who understood the entirety of the
let's go save Han
plan. Certainly more than 3P0
Certainly more than 3P0
C-3PO is basically a gay ditz in bondage pants, staggering around through the movie, fluttering his hands and yelping, "Oh my!"