You realize these are two notorious flops, right? Universally held in low esteem. I'm afraid you've spent too much time in fandom. I'm going to send a team in for an extraction.
No, I know they were flops. But they were easily rentable from the store down the road so I watched them more often than most people.
That consideration vid was great. And such a nice nod for E there, Jessica!
I like
The Saint
too. As part of the universe, I thereby prove your "universally held in low esteem" statement to be logically false. Neener.
I thereby prove your "universally held in low esteem" statement to be logically false. Neener.
A sweeping categorical declaration, like a vague disclaimer, is nobody's friend. Touche, sir.
Heh. But when I was thirteen... Just think of Val as the template for my Great Fandom Loves to come.
I also like
The Saint
! I have a special attachment to it, however, since we saw it on a UIL trip in high school.
The Saint
at the time, can't say the same about
I have had a deep and abiding love for Val Kilmer ever since I saw Real Genius, and Top Gun only cemented that love. Shirtless Iceman, woah. I enjoyed The Saint, and need to see KKBB.
Did nobody see Willow? I was all swoony over Madmartigan. "You are my sun, my moon, my starlit sky! Without you, I dwell in darkness!"
I was all swoony over Madmartigan. "You are my sun, my moon, my starlit sky! Without you, I dwell in darkness!"
Oh, yes. Bless. But I can rewatch Real Genius and Tombstone without pain, and Top Gun with copious giggles (also many repeats of The Volleyball Scene), but Willow is just so... so....