I really liked 13th Warrior, but I don't remember how the Vikings were costumed. I don't think they had the horned helmets.
The costuming was pretty good. No horned helmets. Mostly no helmets.
The Rohirrim costuming in LOTR was actually really good for Norsemen.
I watched Superman Returns today, and it was pretty good, despite requiring truckloads of suspension of disbelief.
That's a lot of water displacement, man.
Perhaps P-C uses a concentrated suspension?
Handwaving XL.
Children of Men struck me on a lot of levels. All the things Vonnie said, plus, the disparity between how the haves and havenots deal with a
the haves
"Just don't think about it"
even though they are miserable too. Boy, that moment chilled my blood. The havenots
turn to faith.
That really struck me too.
Also, the very real possibility of something like that happening here and now made the film less uplifting than a possible clarion call. What with
falling sperm counts (See Theo Colburn's work)
fertility clinic ads
all day on pop radio stations. Eep.
I also appreciated the dark humor among the characters. That is how humans would react...very real, I thought.
The thing I noticed on CoM this time around (I've seen it three times...I may be a little obsessed...) was that, in a movie that contains maybe five minutes of people not shooting at each other,
Theo never once picks up a gun. The only time he picks up a weapon of any kind is when he knocks out Sid in the refugee camp (and he doesn't hold onto it afterwards). Very rare for the protagonist of a movie with this much action in it. (I can't bring myself to call him an action hero because he's not, he's a protector.)
I noticed that too! It was a surprising feature that made the character all the more real to me.
Boy...I seem to be stuck on that word.
The other thing that really struck me was in the
refugee camp
after everyone had seen
the baby
and had what amounted to a
religious experience.
It took them exactly a nano second to forget the only salient point in that moment and to start trying to kill each other again.
What the? Shouldn't the
soldiers have surrounded them and spirited them to safety?
And it was cool that the
rescuers were a proto-Greenpeace
That's a lot of water displacement, man.
Is the
"just add water"
schtick from the comics?
So CoM just came out in the States? It really is an amazing film.
I keep thinking I'd like to go down to Dayton, TN, when they have their annual re-enactment of the Scopes trial.
Man, I don't even think that works to recommend the town. (I had to drive through it when I went from KY to my parents'.)
I think I'm going to watch Children of Men today. Maybe.
For Your Consideration fanvid for Children of Men.
Very nicely done -- it gets spoilery around the 3-minute mark, though, so people who haven't seen it might want to cut it off before that. (And hey...check out the quote at 46 seconds...)