Pathfinder's got Karl Urban starring in it! That's enough to get me to the theater.
Funny thing about Hair--it was released in the theaters when I was 13, and when my sister (15 at the time) and I asked Dad if he'd take us to see it, he had no problem. Of course, I had to look up certain words when I got home (fellatio, cunnilingus), but other than that, there was no problem with the film. But, now, if my 13-y.o. niece asked to watch it with me? I'd be so iffy over the idea that I'd have to clear it with my brother and SIL, who I think would say "No!" immediately.
I would totally be behind Cuaron doing another HP film. His was the only one I really fell in love with.
Mom took me to see
when I was in the 5th grade. I went to school the next day and told everyone how great drugs are. I was also the star of 6th grade english class. We each had a dictionary under our desks and I knew all the fun words to look up.
Just finished watching the Tracy/March version of
Inherit the Wind.
What a brilliant, beautiful movie. So many recognizable actors! Henry Morgan as the judge, Dick York as the teacher on trial, Norman Fell in a bit role!
The script is excellent, based on the Broadway play, but it's Spencer Tracy's performance that illuminates the whole film. March was in many ways just doing an impersonation. He does it well, and it's a pivotal role, but Tracy just inhabits the character, bringing that wonderful warmth, life, and world weary wisdom Tracy was able to bring to so many roles. Just seeing the film made my whole day.
I keep thinking I'd like to go down to Dayton, TN, when they have their annual re-enactment of the Scopes trial.
But I'm a Cheerleader
last night, after stumbling upon it three minutes in. On the whole, I tend to agree with the Ebert's Movie Guide comment that it's a John Waters wannabee director, but it was still diverting... and actually, more coherent plotwise.
Kathy, there are far too many people there who think the wrong side lost that trial...
Children of Men
gory at all? I'm thinking about seeing it tonight.
Is Children of Men gory at all?
It's violent, but not gory.