There are gossip rumblings I've read about the last pregnant woman on earth being sub-Saharan African, and how (being both black and female) the movie treats her as pawn-material, an object, a belly with no brains, rather than a subject and a character in her own right. I've only seen the trailer, so I don't know whether to take that with a grain of salt, or to get mad in advance.
That's rubbish, quite frankly. Yes, she is treated like that by *CHARACTERS* in the movie (which is kinda also the POINT of the movie), but not *BY* the movie itself.
Children of Men is, frankly, my favourite film ever. It has two of the most accomplished scenes I've ever seen recorded. It's haunting. Yes, there's a lot of politics thrown in without being explored, and yes, the back half is basically a chase movie. However, I don't agree those are real critisms. It's a film which brings horrors we commit abroad back home, and smacks you in the face with them. Yes, it's depressing. Yes, the ending will annoy some people. Yes, ever critism I've heard people aim at it has been part of the creative process they've chosen to take, I suspect.
Anyway. It's a film which stayed with me for a good few days.
Since I have such an aversion (perhaps only based in part on aesthetics) to J---a R-----s
::turn and spit on ground::
I suppose I should grudgingly allow others the courtesy of disliking RZ so much. To me, the worst RZ is guilty of is choosing too many 'easy' roles when she could be capable of more demanding material. (c.f
The Whole Wide World, Nurse Betty)
re 6600:
:: puts it on my Must-See-Soon List ::
Re: Zellweger and my hate, it's the
And the
And I haven't forgiven her for the Show Me The Money movie.
So you're saying she didn't have you at "hello"?
Yah I didn't understand the appeal of
Jerry Maguire
but I love cute.
Yesterday I watched Rumor Has It on mute since my airplane seatmate was watching it on her laptop. Jennifer Aniston looked brittle but I continue to think she's underrated as a comedic actress; she has a very expressive face. Watched Ocean's 11 yesterday also and I'm neutral on Julia Roberts in general but thought she stuck out really poorly in that movie, and wasn't helped by some truly unflattering wardrobe/styling choices. There's a scene with her and George that's just
in its nonsparkle.
I think I would automatically start to like Jennifer Aniston more if she shaved her head. The hair gets in the way of my seeing her face.
I like Renee Zellweger a lot more when I cannot use her collarbones as handlebars on a bicycle. And when her eyes are open.
I like Julia Roberts mostly only when she is grinning like a maniac, since her Serious Face makes her look like she just sat down on the business end of a hairbrush.
Yes, there's a lot of politics thrown in without being explored, and yes, the back half is basically a chase movie. However, I don't agree those are real criticisms.
Er, they sound like real criticisms to me! A really gorgeous movie that makes no sense may be praised for its beauty but still criticized for its incoherence. (Wong Kar-Wai, I am talking to YOU.)
Speaking of looking good, we saw
Curse of the Golden Flower
last night. It is lush and opulent and melodramatic and over-the-top in every way. I think the overwhelming visual experience in a way IS the film. There is a tragic tale, but it isn't very involving--the way htings look is much more important. Of the five of us at the film, two liked it, one was bored and one LOATHED it.
Me, I liked it, although aside from the visuals and the sound, it is pretty empty.