I still haven't seen Y Tu Mama Tambien. I shall have to remedy that.
There's a movie that improves vastly with the sound off. It's got Cuaron's visual style, but oy, that fucking voiceover.
(And speaking of women used as plot points instead of characters...yeah. Not that film's strong suit. Actually, I'm pretty sure the film's only strong suit is the scene where the boys make out, and even then it's only because Gael Garcia Bernal naked is never ever a bad thing.)
The tale of the seven minute action shot, as told by Cuaron, is epic.
I wonder if his Comic-Con panel from last year is online anywhere? He was interviewed by Guillermo del Toro, and it was one of the best panels of the weekend. He talked about getting that shot, and how they were literally down to their last squib on the last take of the last day.
So we've got PAN'S LABYRINTH, CHILDREN OF MEN, and CURSE OF THE GOLDEN FLOWER this Xmas season (or near enough), plus I already got the most uncompromised David Lynch movie since ERASERHEAD?
Santa be giving the presents big time this winter.
Dear God in heaven, I had forgotten exactly
dreadful Dick Van Dyke's whole role is in Mary Poppins. And I think I'd be happier if the song and dance numbers were shorter.
Jilli, I was small and hadn't ever met an English-type person.
I can probably trace all of my Anglophilic tendencies directly to that movie.
Aw, he's charming, Jilli. He just has an execrable accent.
Don't get me wrong, there are parts of the Mary Poppins movie that I am very fond of. But I re-read a bunch of the books in the past few days, and the movie is NOT Mary Poppins.
Aw, he's charming, Jilli. He just has an execrable accent.
I couldn't get past the accent last night. I also couldn't get past my "But but but Bert is a minor character! Why is he getting so much screen time? Noooo, not another overly-long song and dance number!" reaction.
I enjoy the movie by pretending it has NOTHING to so with the books. On its own, it's a lovely confection with a great score. The books are deeper and darker.
My favorite parts in the Mary Poppins movies are the chimney sweep dance on the rooftops and when they go into the sidewalk painting. Both feature a lot of Bert.
As Scrappy notes, it is one of the best Disney scores ever with many very lovely and plaintive tunes. "Stay Awake," "Feed the Birds," "Chim Chimeree" - all those minor key melodies.
I enjoy the movie by pretending it has NOTHING to so with the books.
That's what I ended up doing. I think the glass of absinthe I was drinking helped with that, tho'.
On its own, it's a lovely confection with a great score.
Oh, I love a lot of the songs. Not to mention I spent a very long time when I was young teaching myself how to say supercalifragilisticexpialidocious backwards.