Of the list, I've seen Millions, Save the Last Dance and Robin Hood. I enjoyed StLD, but I don't see how it could be called a classic, either.
Sadly, my uncultured heathen-hood has been confirmed by the fact I haven't even seen 90% of the movies that are used as a reference point for the items on the list.
I notice
The Beaver Trilogy
is on the Lost Movie Classics list. I'd love to see it but it's not available on any format. I wonder how many other movies on that list are also unavailable.
I'm telling you, Two-Lane Blacktop is the way to go. James Taylor and Dennis Wilson are wooden as hell, and it's alright. Warren Oates is crazy as hell, and it's alright. It's a movie about car racing that hardly ever seems to move past cruising speed, almost as if the source material were a poem by Robert Creeley. It's has a Roger Corman budget, but Monte Hellman is behind the wheel, so it's smart and philosophical and quicksilver where a lesser director would have made lead.
I'm curious about Let's Scare Jessica To Death. Anyone seen it? Good? Bad?
Very very creepy movie. Logic is not it's strong suit, but since the movie feels like a really bad nightmare (in that CARNIVAL OF SOULS kinda way), it really doesn't matter. You can tell it's totally no budget, and a couple of the actors aren't very good, but over all it's definitely worth a rent.
Is that the one
where the lead finds her husband drowned in the bathtub with his eyes rolled up into his head, and then later he's up out of the water zombie-shuffling towqard her? My dad traumatized me as a child during a movie with that scene in it.
That sounds like LES DIABOLIQUES, Matt. Was it B&W and French?
JESSICA was more like a mash-up of a vampire movie, a ghost movie and REPULSION, all on a budget that looks about as much as the original NIGHT OF THE LIVING DEAD.
By this point most directors would have their hands full, but Mr. Zhang piles on the intrigue, adding a forbidden love affair, a vengeful first wife and two varieties of incest. His actors respond in kind, straining their facial muscles with silent-movie enthusiasm and doing everything but shooting flames from their eye sockets.
Teh awesome! (Review of The Curse of the Golden Flower, at NYT) There is also mention of Liberace and Jacqueline Susann as inspiration.
(Does China have telenovelas? If they don't, they really really should.)
That sounds like LES DIABOLIQUES, Matt. Was it B&W and French?
No, color and I think it must have been in English though I don't recall any dialogue. (My dad wouldn't have been watching French films on broadcast TV in 1970s Arkansas.)
There are trailers up for Juliet Landau's new movie.
Although, really - can anyone see Juliet Landau in a horror movie without thinking she's the one who is going to be terrorizing everyone?