FWIW, the herpetologist who was showing off his 20ft ball python at Arisia two years back kept several bottles of Listerine mouthwash close at hand. If the python had started trying to attack (squeeze, bite, etc) someone, he or his spotter would have poured it over the snake's head, as they really really don't like it.
Note that the python was two or three days before shedding, which means that it was
listless and calm, so he judged it safe to be handled by strangers, but he had an experienced snakehandler standing nearby for safety's sake. Clearly he knows his business.
For the record, I would not want mouthwash poured on my head either.
But I'll remember this detail, next time I am in single combat with a python.
I like it when mouthwash gets poured over my head. It's tingly. Admittedly, it'd probably distract me from squeezing/biting.
...why does that sound like the very beginning of a personals ad?
...why does it sound like Gris has actual personal experience with mouthwash being poured over his head?
Gris, were you trying to squeeze or bite someone?
Gris, were you trying to squeeze or bite someone?
...and were you shedding your skin?
I don't want anything that can sting my gums as much as Listerine does anywhere near my eyes.
Note to self: Buy pet mongoose before next plane trip.
I don't want anything that can sting my gums as much as Listerine does anywhere near my eyes.
Yeah, but then what about the Altoids Experience?
::makes mental note only to be attacked by snakes near medicine cabinet::
:: Adds mental note never to be attacked by snakes on a plane::