I guess I was thinking of the NOT FLASHBACK part of the Killing Joke.
Oh sure - I've never thought TKJ would be viable as an actual movie (to much history to so much of it). It's just the one I tend to like trying to cast in my head because you need an actor for the Joker that can do the origin part and sell you on it, and also do the present day Joker and sell you on that.
JZ and I watched
Green Dolphin Street
this morning. The only thing I knew about it is that it contributed a melody that Miles Davis played very beautifully.
As it turns out, the movie has nothing to do with jazz, but is rather a huge historical epic in the Gone With the Wind mode. Lana Turner, Donna Reed, Van Heflin plus an extremely well done earthquake and New Zealand and the Guernsey Islands (which I just wiki-ed to discover that they're not technically part of the UK). It had some rikokulous plot turns but also some very moving scenes.
I gather from the Amazon reviews that the novel was the sort of thing most girls discovered in their teens.
At Amoeba the other day I saw:
The Complete Series of the Adventures of Brisco County, Jr. on DVD
Sybil (the complete original miniseries - which had me completely riveted when I saw it as a kid during its first airing. Gah! The reveal on the buttonhook is still a searing image.)
Ren & Stimpy - The Lost Episodes (apparently the not-for-children ones done for Spike TV).
Pinky & The Brain season 1 are on DVD tomorrow (as are more Animaniacs soon).
Got Briscoe County Jr in the mail today! I've never seen it; I bought it on the recommendation of a friend's mother, who is very cool, and if she likes it, it must be cool.
It is cool, Zenkitty.(says she who preordered the set and whose box set arrived last week) Plus Bruce Campbell. Mmmm, Bruce Campbell
I hope this works... it's a picture I took this weekend of the Black Pearl. She's docked across from Cabrillo Beach and unless you've got a wave runner or a boat that's small you can't really get any closer.
A really far away picture of the Black Pearl
Ahoy! Wow, I'd enjoy seeing that ship as much as seeing Johnny Depp... okay, yes, that's a lie, but still. Almost.
You can imagine that Johnny Depp is in the rigging and the ship is far enough away that he actually might be.
(So cool that you saw it for real!)
It's really an interesting sight mostly because of the color. Black's not the usual color for any boat so it stands out against all the white masts. Plus it's pretty big. They are doing some set dressing so she'll be there for about a month. My husband is thinking of taking our inflatable out to get a closer look. Of course, I had to hear the "this is why we need a wave runner" speech for about a half an hour *eyeroll*