I hope this works... it's a picture I took this weekend of the Black Pearl. She's docked across from Cabrillo Beach and unless you've got a wave runner or a boat that's small you can't really get any closer.
A really far away picture of the Black Pearl
Ahoy! Wow, I'd enjoy seeing that ship as much as seeing Johnny Depp... okay, yes, that's a lie, but still. Almost.
You can imagine that Johnny Depp is in the rigging and the ship is far enough away that he actually might be.
(So cool that you saw it for real!)
It's really an interesting sight mostly because of the color. Black's not the usual color for any boat so it stands out against all the white masts. Plus it's pretty big. They are doing some set dressing so she'll be there for about a month. My husband is thinking of taking our inflatable out to get a closer look. Of course, I had to hear the "this is why we need a wave runner" speech for about a half an hour *eyeroll*
Ooh! Totally random, but I saw David Bradley (Argus Filch) on Midsomer Murders this week. Last week? A young thug named Drinkwater, played by a pre-Legolas Orlando Bloom.
Hey, I said it was random. But movie-related. Sorta.
Orlando probably made a hot thug.
erika - thought I'd share this line from a TWoP recaplet re: the last episode of DEADWOOD:
Al's dealing with a lot tonight -- he pretty much tells Doc that "if you die, I'll kill you."
Yeah. He kind of did.
I could almost relate to "Sweargin" at that moment. Which always creeps me out, just a bit. Because I wish for him to be "Blow up Metropolis bad" sometimes but he is more complicated. Which is good for the most part, but there is part of me that complains.
You know what's funny? Watching Little House and waiting for the dope merchant and whoremonger to show up. Also, everyone on that show is always clean and conditioned, hair-wise.
(eats some peaches)
Watching Little House and waiting for the dope merchant and whoremonger to show up.
Yes, but we can skip the clown-masked blacksmith/rapist, 'kay.
I was reading about that in a thread on another board and I just can't believe they went there (but I hadn't heard about the drugs, either).