bangs head on desk
I don't know a whole lot about Batman, other than what Joe has told me and what I have gotten from the movies. But first of all, I was really hoping the Batman Begins fanchise would NOT do The Joker. At least not for awhile. Every other franchise has done him. Find someone else. Give The Riddler another shot without that jackass Carey effing him up. Do Two-Face again. Good lord, try Poison Ivy again. But anyone, anyone but The Joker.
Second of all, Heath Ledger? SERIOUSLY??
Would like a Poison Ivy movie.
I think that just because the Joker is in the film doesn't mean it's going to be all about the Joker.
True enough, but I'd rather not see him at all.
He does team up with criminal Gotham fairly frequently.
Did mention of the Joker mess up BB for you?
If that leads to Michelle Williams as Harley, I think I'm okay with it.
It'd surprise me if no big bucks director ever got shown the door, but it's not something I have ammo for.
Oh, you can certainly be crazy (or drunk) enough to get booted, because then you're risking their investment (and, by extension, their jobs). But I think they're willing to overlook bruised feelings when they can soothe their egos with piles of money.
Did mention of the Joker mess up BB for you?
Was he mentioned? I honestly don't remember if he was.
Where was he mentioned? Some scene at Arkham?
I guess I wouldn't mind if there were like, little clues that were mostly asides and ignored by Bats. A bit of foreshadowing, if you will, for a lter movie.
At the very end of the movie.
Also, has there been any confirmation of Liev Schrieber as Harvey Dent?
Was he mentioned? I honestly don't remember if he was.
At the very, very end. They make a reference to, I think, whatever the Joker was doing when Bats first met him in the comics. They may have even shown his calling card.