If that leads to Michelle Williams as Harley, I think I'm okay with it.
It'd surprise me if no big bucks director ever got shown the door, but it's not something I have ammo for.
Oh, you can certainly be crazy (or drunk) enough to get booted, because then you're risking their investment (and, by extension, their jobs). But I think they're willing to overlook bruised feelings when they can soothe their egos with piles of money.
Did mention of the Joker mess up BB for you?
Was he mentioned? I honestly don't remember if he was.
Where was he mentioned? Some scene at Arkham?
I guess I wouldn't mind if there were like, little clues that were mostly asides and ignored by Bats. A bit of foreshadowing, if you will, for a lter movie.
At the very end of the movie.
Also, has there been any confirmation of Liev Schrieber as Harvey Dent?
Was he mentioned? I honestly don't remember if he was.
At the very, very end. They make a reference to, I think, whatever the Joker was doing when Bats first met him in the comics. They may have even shown his calling card.
Ok. It's ringing a very small bell.
I guess Jack Nicholson has ruined me for the Joker (as in, when I was 15 I thought he was great. As I've learned more about the Joker and what he's really capable of - I've realized Jack was crap).
Maybe Alan Cummings.
I'm a fan of Heath Ledger, but the only actor I can think of less suited to play the Joker is Richard Gere. They've actually manufactured a situation in which Gilbert Gottfried would be a better actor for the part.
Finally saw The Constant Gardener. It's Syriana with pills instead of oil.
I still think Paul Bettany would make a pretty good Joker.
I'm a fan of Heath Ledger, but the only actor I can think of less suited to play the Joker is Richard Gere.
Boggles at the thought of Gere. Ponders who might be more inapporpriate.
They've actually manufactured a situation in which Gilbert Gottfried would be a better actor for the part.
OMG, it's TRUE!
head explodes
Was he mentioned? I honestly don't remember if he was.
At the very, very end. They make a reference to, I think, whatever the Joker was doing when Bats first met him in the comics. They may have even shown his calling card.
Oh hell yeah they did.
I guess Jack Nicholson has ruined me for the Joker (as in, when I was 15 I thought he was great. As I've learned more about the Joker and what he's really capable of - I've realized Jack was crap).
Really? I don't like very much about the Burton Batman movies, but I adore Nicholson as Joker. He's just perfectly batshit insane with enough homicidal intelligence to be scary.