Thanks for the PotC recaps, y'all. I can now safely say I missed/didn't understand that entire subplot. Good thing I'm seeing it again this weekend!
I watched
Kiss Kiss, Bang Bang
last night and really enjoyed it. It's not flawless, but it's fun and funny and engaging. Robert Downey, Jr., and Michelle Monaghan both gave great performances; I was most disappointed in Val Kilmer's character (the gay detective), who was a little too stereotypical for my tastes without actually seeming, you know,
But he had some good moments too. I'd definitely recommend the movie to anyone who enjoys that kind of crime/detective story. (What is that genre called? KKBB definitely isn't noir, but that's the closest description I can come up with, at least plotwise.)
I would probably refer to it as chock-full-of-meta, fourth-wall-breaking noir.
Hmm. It seemed way too silly and funny to be noir, to me, and not just the meta stuff (which I really liked). Though it's not a comedy, either; but I think it incorporates a lot of comedic elements.
Um, Peter Jackson put his daughter in blackface in
King Kong?
(sorry, random, I know, but...dude)
I thought Katie Jackson was the pretty young girl shopping in New York before they set sail. The camera lingered on her for some reason.
Could be - I really thought she was the savage.
So, if you add
My Big Fat Greek Wedding
to your Netflix queue, Netflix recommends
So, if you add My Big Fat Greek Wedding to your Netflix queue, Netflix recommends Secretary.
I like them both, but I can see that they don't seem to go together. I am always amused by the netflix recommendations and the amazon ones.
I have a pretty schizophrenic sense of humour so it was no surprise that a lot of
Down With Love
left me cold but Renee Zellweger's Rube Goldbergian monologue is probably the funniest thing I've seen all year.