PotC1, spoiler if you haven't seen it:
Just rewatched it in preparation for seeing PotC2, and I didn't see this the first time around: after the credits is a clip showing the little monkey swimming back to where the treasure was, and he's a regular monnkey - no curse. But then he steals one of the gold coins, and he becomes undead again. So that's why the monkey's curse didn't get lifted - he went back and stole a coin. Same as Jack becoming briefly undead when he had a stolen coin. Incorrigible pirate monkey.
Seems an awfully accomodating curse, really. "No, you can come back to life! And you don't even have to kill anyone! See, us Aztec gods, we're reasonable. Just don't fuck with our gold, man."
Um, that is, I saw it tonight, and liked it lots. I think my favorite character was
the voodoo witchy woman.
I loved
Elizabeth chaining Jack to the Pearl, and her remorse about betraying him being read as grief by Will. And oh! Scruffy Norrington! I want to know more about why he ended up that way.
I was completely unspoiled for
the return of Barbosa.
I clapped my hands in glee at that point.
And because I'm predictable in a magpie sort of way, not only did I love the
"Something shiny"
line, but I want a replica of
the heart locket that both Davey Jones and the voodoo queen had.
In conclusion, again, OMGPiratesyay!
I am a dolt and misread
Will's misreading Elizabeth's remorse as grief as Will's reading Elizabeth's remorse as...remorse.
Bad news from the Miami Vice set.
I thought Will was focusing on the
OMGWTFKissyface! As in, "What, were his tonsils about to fall out and you were shoving them back into place?"
Film Forum is currently in the middle of a Billy Wilder programme, and tonight and tomorrow they will be showing Ace in the Hole, which I raved about for weeks after seeing it there during their last Wilder-a-thon. This is a devastatingly brilliant movie that's not available on any home video format (I believe there are rights issues), so if you have time this weekend, GO SEE IT. I'll be at the 5:20 show tomorrow evening.
Betsy and Brenda - mine too.
tonight and tomorrow they will be showing Ace in the Hole,
Jan Sterling has some of the greatest noir tough-chick lines ever in this movie.
Reporter: "Hey lady, you wanna pray for the kid trapped in the well?"
Jan: "I don't kneel. It wrinkles my nylons."
Last night, I watched Jarmusch's
Mystery Train
for the first time since Joe Strummer died. I've seen it several times, and each time it's as funny and wonderful as I thought it was the first time, but this time it was a little bittersweet and sad as well.
Also, I came into it (it was on cable) most of the way through Far From Yokohama, which is my favorite piece in the movie, but the other two sections are still wonderful.