I saw PotC again today. I wanted to cry every time Governor Swann was on screen. In the first movie he was goofy and the comic relief. Even during the battle his fighting the hand was made to get laughs. This time he's a father who would do anything to keep his daughter alive and without his wig he seemed so broken.
I also noticed things this time that I missed before. Like when the group visits Tia Dalma the first time. The camera lingers on the monkey sitting by a body. I had to refrain from squealing ZOMG Barbossa.
I would also like to set the record straight that Scruffington is mine. I even made icons.
ETA: I accidentaly made my spoiler text links. I don't know how I managed to do that. I fixed it and I apologise if I spoiled anyone.
I can't decide if you're trying to make me look psychic or crazy, Melpomene. Either way, good going.
I can't decide if you're trying to make me look psychic or crazy, Melpomene. Either way, good going.
Sorry about that. I deleted my comment because I made a mistake with the whitefont and didn't want to spoil anyone.
Heh. Either one is an improvement today, so no worries.
I deleted my comment because I made a mistake with the whitefont and didn't want to spoil anyone.
And speaking as someone who hasn't seen the movie yet (Tomorrow! Tomorrow! I get to see Pirates tomorrow!), I very much appreciate it.
I saw Clerks 2 last night. I liked it, didn't love it. The writing felt much more forced than previous Kevin Smith outings, as if this universe didn't quite fit right anymore. But still, I liked checking back in with the characters -- I can see why he wanted to go back to them, even if I'm not sure it was the right move. It's a wholly unnecessary addition to the View Askew world, and it feels like a step backwards for Smith as a writer and as a director. (Whatever you thought of Jersey Girl otherwise, it at least looked like a professionally made film. And while part of the original Clerks charm was the low-budget-no-experience look, it looked that way because they really did have no budget and no experience. Going back to that style now just seems deliberately lazy.)
All of which sounds much more negative than I mean to come across -- most of the movie is hysterically funny, and fun to watch if you don't pay too much attention to the meta.
I kind of have a soft spot for Jersey Girl, actually.
But I know I have strange taste.
I've never been able to watch more than a few minutes of it, though in theory I support the making of movies in which Jennifer Lopez' characters die.
I think some people posted that they liked the organ music from the movie. I bought the soundtrack today and the track Davey Jones contains the music from the organ and the locket. It's available on megaupload here.
PotC1, spoiler if you haven't seen it:
Just rewatched it in preparation for seeing PotC2, and I didn't see this the first time around: after the credits is a clip showing the little monkey swimming back to where the treasure was, and he's a regular monnkey - no curse. But then he steals one of the gold coins, and he becomes undead again. So that's why the monkey's curse didn't get lifted - he went back and stole a coin. Same as Jack becoming briefly undead when he had a stolen coin. Incorrigible pirate monkey.
Seems an awfully accomodating curse, really. "No, you can come back to life! And you don't even have to kill anyone! See, us Aztec gods, we're reasonable. Just don't fuck with our gold, man."