The trailer makes it look like the movie is from a human point-of-view (Robots are fighting! Aaaaah!!!) rather than the robot point-of-view. In other words, it doesn't look like it's actually about the Transformers at all.
But Michael Bay is directing, so lots of shit will blow up! Yay!
John Rogers is one of the writers for Transformers. I had no idea it was supposed to be a dramatic and scary thing.
Hey, they're more than meets the eye.
they're more than meets the eye.
I can't believe I set you up for that and didn't even notice.
May 25, 2007 people - mark your calendars for POTC:AWE!!
I want a Pirates Trilogy Day -- can I have one??!!??
they're more than meets the eye.
I can't believe I set you up for that and didn't even notice.
I can't believe I was the first one to make the joke.
I half-expected the movie to end right there.
P-C, I think it did. Everything else was just
wrapping up, showing the conflict between Will and Elizabeth that will be present in the next movie, and setting up the cliffhanger. If they just stopped right there
there would be too much confusion, I think.
I can't believe I was the first one to make the joke.
It was lunchtime. My hands were full.
I remembered what I was going to ask the hivemind about PotC...
Did anyone pick up on what Will was wearing around his neck? I was trying to see it whenever he was on screen, and they never showed enough to see what it was. Given some of the "objects," it might be important later
Also, did anyone else notice that
both Tia and Davy had those heart-shaped silver necklaces/lockets? And while we're at it, what did Jack pocket during their first visit to Tia's cabin
Damn, I noticed
what Jack picked up and now
I can't remember what it was.
I CLEARLY need to go see this again.