I remembered what I was going to ask the hivemind about PotC...
Did anyone pick up on what Will was wearing around his neck? I was trying to see it whenever he was on screen, and they never showed enough to see what it was. Given some of the "objects," it might be important later
Also, did anyone else notice that
both Tia and Davy had those heart-shaped silver necklaces/lockets? And while we're at it, what did Jack pocket during their first visit to Tia's cabin
Damn, I noticed
what Jack picked up and now
I can't remember what it was.
I CLEARLY need to go see this again.
I remember seeing him
pick up the ring, which was near the silver pendant
. But I also thought I remembered him
picking something up from a table on the side while Tia was talking to Will. I don't remember seeing what it was, I just remember him sliding it into his pocket
t PotC likes carrots
My first threadkilling. Sweet.
I got an email that said that June Allyson has passed away. (Sadly, I really was not aware that this hadn't happened. . . oh some time ago.)
R.I.P., June. even though you were the worst Hollywood Jo ever, and pretty much my poster child for great female roles of the 30s and 40s getting turned into simpering, no agency female characters of the 50s.
"Pirates" Raid Record Books
(In conclusion, let's make out with pirates.)
snogs P-C