I saw PoTC yesterday. A group of us met and we ended up going to a different showing becuase the first one didn't have any seats together. As I was leaving I heard an AMC employee say "that showing only has 35 seats left".
The trailers before the movie sucked. It was the new Will Farrell movie, some movie about kids making a fake college, the Kevin Costner rescue thing with Ashton Kutcher --which looked interesting if it weren't Costner (and the trailer was too long). The movie about stuff that comes alive in the museum -- that might be interesting.
PoTC started out slow, I didn't come away WOWed by it like I thought I would. Maybe if I hadn't been semis poiled.
But these were the things I loved -- Elizabeth betraying Jack. She's a much more interesting character than Will I think. Norrington, bitter scruffy Norrington, slightly like Wesley but a bit of Holtz thrown in. The creature make up was just AMAZING. Davy's octopus arms for a beard, the mussels growing on the side of Bootstrap Bill's neck and all the great emotion the actors showed through that.
The Kraken. Esp the shot of Jack, sword in hand, facing down the mouth of the kraken. I want that for wallpaper. The three way sword fight and the Hamster Wheel, but that could have been cut down a bit. nice bit with Will stumbling around dizzy.
Barbosa taking a bite of the apple! although at lunch after I got in a discussion, someone claimed that Barbosa and the cursed men couldn't eat when they appeared as skeletons but that's not right because none of them could enjoy anything at all.
My slight spoiling mildly ruined the surprise of Barbosa for him, but watching his boots walk down the steps was great. And I knew about Norrington, but I would have figured out as soon as I heard his voice.
Over all the movie was lots of fun.