As in "there is only Zool"?
Yeah, that's what I meant. Is it really spelled "Zuul"? I know I've seen it spelled "Zool" before.
I thought it was just a random result
You're right. I just didn't remember where it was from, so I didn't know if it was an intentional reference or not.
Re: Zool
I didn't see zool but I could swear I saw "alienation" on the Scrabble board
Superman Returns – Saw it again. Liked it better on reviewing. (Loved the Spider-Man 3 trailer, but I digress) As for Zool *** I thought I saw "alien" but it may have been "alienation." Something tells me there were a lot of interesting words on that Scrabble board. I'm sure some enterprising fan will break list them somewhere. ***
Somewhat relatedly, I saw Superman again yesterday (still love it, saw more flaws this time) and afterwards, I couldn't remember if
the city is ever actually named as Metropolis. On Luthor's map, I could only see New York -- and I was looking for Gotham and Metropolis this time -- and thinking back, I can't recall a single scene where someone says "Metropolis."
Anyone with a better memory than mine able to confirm one way or the other?
It is. Man, my visual memory is flaking on me, but I think, for sure, the
wharf was Metropolis Port/Wharf/Docks.
I can remember seeing it somewhere else...perhaps on the side of
one of the boats.
And a vague memory of hearing it in a news report.
It's definitely
Metropolis. I'm not sure if anyone ever says it, though I think they probably do in some of the news reports, but I saw the name on a few signs
or, what ita said.
Superman Returns – *** I remember Metropolis on a sign at the wharf too. Also, I think it may have been on the masthead of the Daily Planet, but I'm not sure.
Also, looks like quite a bit got cut from the final movie, including scenes where Martha encourages Clark to go back to the paper and find his place back in the world. I think the movie would have benefited if those scenes had been in there. ***
Margaret Weis says that she likes the script for
Dragons of Autumn Twilight.
Re: Stardust
Great cast too.
Not so sure about that. The casting of Captain Shakespeare is a worring sign that the movie might infact turn out to be dogpoo.
So, we rented
The New World
last night. Despite both the BF and I being Malick fans, we found it so ponderous and meandering that we stopped watching about halfway through. The young girl is mesmerizing, but not enough to repay those precious minutes of my life ticking away. And this reaction from two people who adore Jarmusch films and can watch them over and over. Anyone else have this reaction?