Why don't you like Peter Parker?
I have no idea. I just know that I had no interest in continuing after the first volume of Ultimate Spider-Man, whereas, for example, I read 9 volumes of Ultimate X-Men in a week (an expensive week) and started buying the comics individually after that. Similarly, I enjoyed both Spider-Man movies, but have no interest in ever seeing them again, while I've seen Batman Begins at least 5 times since it came out, and the X-Men movies probably 5-10 times each.
His character just doesn't do much for me. Though it's kind of cute that
Kitty has a crush on him
in the Ultimate-verse.
And "Oh" about the evil suit. See, I thought Venom was always a possessed Spider-Man. I though it was all very Phoenix that way. Certainly the trailer seemed to concentrate on Spidey in the evil suit, so my assumption was not immediately discounted by it. Was there a scene with a separate Venom I missed?
Not in the trailer. Topher Grace looking up and saying, "Parker," possibly right before the symbiote falls on him or something, is the only reference.
I wonder if they'll still do the alien symbiote thing. They did set up the astronaut guy in the last movie.
If I'm not mistaken, that was John Jameson. Which would actually be setting up Man-Wolf, rather than Venom. Please, no.
You're not mistaken. I was thinking that instead of setting up Man-Wolf, they'll use his space mission to bring down the symbiote. Isn't that how it worked originally? It basically hitched a ride on a shuttle? Or did it crash down on a meteor or something?
No, originally all the heroes and villains on Earth got transported to another planet in "Secret Wars". During the course of which, Spidey's costume got destroyed and he was given a new organic one by some alien or another. Which turned out to be evil.
Huh. Is that how they did it in the animated series?
Aha, see, that's what I remember. John Jameson brings down Promethium X on a space mission, on which the symbiote tags along. I imagine that's more the way they'll do it rather than the "Secret Wars" thing.
Comics are so vast and confusing.
(Okay, hee. Apparently, someone got on IMDb one time and made it look like Aunt May was going to be Carnage. Heeeee.)
F and M--the only thing I'm gonna C is his clothes.
See, for a long time I was forgetting that Topher Grace and Tobey Maguire were different people.
This has been a confusing discussion for me.
In other news I just saw Say Anything. It was adorable. And the ending was great.
ETA: And Ione Skye has a cute lisp.
I caught the middle of Shadowlands on cable over the weekend, and had to watch the rest of it even though I knew I'd be sobbing before it was over (and I was!). The last scene has Lewis meeting a new student at his office, and I could have sworn that the actor playing the student was Tobey Maguire with a dubbed-over English accent. He wasn't, but looked amazingly like him.