Geek alert!
I was trying to out someone as a geek by mentioning their grief at Elves and Men fighting together in the main timeline of the LotR movies, since the Last Alliance was the last time it happened. The person I was outing him to said "No! They fought together at the end of The Hobbit!"
You'd fit right in. But I do want to know the answer.
But HOW did he get back as the Kryptonian sun would make him desuperfied?
He borrowed a space shuttle?
I thought the sun went supernova
Possible. My Supes-knowledge has never been great. He kind of, you know, bores me to silly tears. Normally.
I think it was just the planet that blew up, hence all the resulting Kryptonite.
Actually, I seem to recall seeing Krypton's red sun still existing in the comics recently, so the "How'd he get back?" question is valid. Or more specifically, "How did he not suddenly die in space?"
That's been something I've always wondered about the whole Supes being able to fly in space angle is how does he manage the long distances between yellow stars to keep himself "charged up" and avoid accidentally getting too close to a red one.
Also, does he fly a LOT faster than the speed of light? I mean, we're assuming Krypton is pretty far away, right?
Or does he employ relativity for himself + earth-spinny-time-machine when he gets back, erasing hundreds of years of non-Supes Earth history?
In Superman, the Animated Series, Superman needs to wear a spacesuit, and he flies between planets in the spaceship that brought him to Earth.
I always assumed that the spaceship he flew to earth in was a standard, close-to-light-speed thing that didn't take too long by his standards thanks to relativity.
Wrong, or never addressed?
Also, does he fly a LOT faster than the speed of light? I mean, we're assuming Krypton is pretty far away, right?
He makes like the audience and waves his hands.
Bravo just did 100 scariest movies--some I've never heard of. But the commentary was fabulous. Rob Zombie has the driest sense of humor. Sadly, I'll probably not watch the films I've not seen because I dislike horror movies.
The movie Superman is essentially the pre-Crisis Earth-1 Superman, who could fly way WAY faster than light. Though it sounds like maybe they're employing some elements of the post-Crisis Superman, whose powers remain even under a red sun until he slowly depletes them through use?