Gee, I thought Crash was pretty good. I only saw it the one time soon after it came out, but it's really stuck with me. Yes, it was contrived, but IMO no more so than a lot of other films and TV shows. For some reason, it didn't provoke my eye-rolling twitch like season 1 of 24 did (another LA-based storyline involving coincidental passing of cars in the night).
Good Night and Good Luck was the other Best Picture nom that I've already seen. I still haven't seen Brokeback Mountain, nor Capote or Syriana (the other films high on my Must See Before Oscar Night list).
I love that Sleepless In Seattle trailer.
Okay, I took a look at the Oscar nominations and of any movie nominated for any category -- I have only seen three:
Batman Begins
Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire
Pride and Prejudice
How is this possible? Notice how I haven't seen any of the best picture/best director/best actor/best supporting actor/best supporting actress nominations.
I really need to go to the movies more often.
How common is it for the Best Director and Best Picture noms to be completely identical?
Of the entire list, I've only seen Brokeback Mountain and Wallace and Gromit, I think. Oh, and March of the Penquins.
the sinister undertone when Amy's "imaginary" friend Irena appears.
And then doesn't it turn out that she's not actually malevolent? I saw it a couple of times, but it's been years. I remember it being almost Lynch-ian... not much happens, what does happen is ambiguous, and yet it's oddly fascinating.
I usually read this blog for the comics content, but this post makes me want to run and see both movies, even more than usual.
I think it is fairly common for best picture and best director noms to be identical because I've read remarks in the past couple of years to the effect that it's fairly unusual for Best Picture to not nab Best Director too.
who are you people? i adore Crash. it's probably in my top ten favorite movies ever.
how did they determine who was lead and who was supporting actor for Brokeback Mountain? i suppose i agree that it was more Ennis' story than Jacks', but...
I have Crash on DVD. I'ma watch it this weekend. I talked to Former Boss, who gets the Academy Screeners. I told her I always miss her the most this time of year.