Thanks for making me want to watch the show EVEN MORE. Geez.
Get to it before more of us start throwing around words like "cocksucker," "hoopleheads," and "gleets"!
I mean, S1 & 2 are out on DVD, and you don't want to fuck your life up flatter than hammered shit, only to find yourself beholden to some human cocksucker.
cracking up.
I even wrote a little ficlet once.
But my friends' list must have thought I was on laudanum because it dropped like a rock.
Well, at least I'm not crawling around scrubbing bloodstains.
But I'm completely ruled by three guys named Dave at HBO.
Martha: I'm trying to imagine what courtesy of mine would have forestalled the last awkwardness between us.
Oooh, snap! And the like! Martha is referring, of course, to rolling into town only to find her husband pickling his prick in the cunt brine of another. Thus rebuked, Alma soon regretted playing the class card and the damn-you-for-being-my-lover's-wife card, and our sympathies shifted ever so fucking slightly closer to Martha, despite her having interrupted some seriously provocative prick pickling.
none of them seemed like My Kind of Thing
That's my problem as well. I like westerns, but I watched the first four episodes of Deadwood and... it was fine, but I didn't care. Six Feet Under? Fine, but I didn't care. The Wire? Fine, but I didn't care.
And then there was Carnivale.
I like westerns, but I watched the first four episodes of Deadwood and... it was fine, but I didn't care.
And I don't really like Westerns, so.
But I never expected to love
as much as I did. It took me a few episodes to get into it, but after that, I was hooked.
I wouldn't consider myself a fan of Westerns. In fact, I'm trying to think of a Western I've actually seen...
Not really coming up with anything. Unless some of Kurosaki's stuff counts.
Love the Wire and Deadwood. Hated 6 Feet Under (but was sometimes unable to stop watching it) and never got into Carnivale. ftr.
Whoa. I even stopped, thought about it, and went ahead with the name. Clearly, I've been too immersed in Yami No Matsuei (for an additional reference no one will get).
Yes, thank you, Kurosawa.
I think Kurosawa does not deserve to be all lumped in with westerns. Just because he stole a lot of their best moves -- it's a stealy world, the movie world. And the western stole plenty back over the years.
(Sadly, they did not steal back the whole thing with Toshiro Mifune in really short shorts and knees socks, because, really, there is a dearth of bare male thighs in most classic westerns, don't you think? Some of the spear-fighting might have been nice as well.)
I've read a lot about how wonderful
is, and I'm sure it is, but there are some thing I have trouble getting past, and uncouthness for uncouthness's sake is one of those things.