BTW, banlieue literally means suburb but in the French context (outside of train stations and commuting discussions) usually refers to what we would call the "inner city".
So in the context of the film, we've got District Ghetto 13. Heh.
How wide a release did Ong Bak get? I'd expect this to be similar.
In class I try to avoid the word ghetto, but yeah.
I think the reason they are keeping the B in the title is that in France that's how the movie was marketed
B13: Banlieue 13
As for release, hard to tell. Luc Besson produced
Ong Bak
too, but also
The Transporter
so I guess it depends which strings he decides to pull.
It's opening in Boston, but not anywhere in Maine, tomorrow. Just checking times and places - which probably doesn't tell you anything about Annapolis.
In class I try to avoid the word ghetto, but yeah.
Since the premise of the movie is that the French government has built a WALL around the neighborhood to keep the criminals in...
Escape from New York
, but in France?
[ETA(sk): How do I avoid the space before the comma? It's not there when I type.]
[ETA(sk): How do I avoid the space before the comma? It's not there when I type.]
That's an artifact of quick-formatting (I think). The only way to avoid the space (which I dislike, myself) is to format the old fashioned way.
t i
Escape From New York
t /i
And as you can see, because I used quick-formatting to do the fake tags, I got spaces between my tags, the words and the comma.
This is only a test:
So Escape from New York, but in France?
If this had been a real italics emergency... Who am I kidding? Getting something absolutely perfect is an emergency!
Thanks Sean, now I know.
Banlieu 13
When I saw the trailer for that I thought, "A movie made specifically for ita."