In class I try to avoid the word ghetto, but yeah.
I think the reason they are keeping the B in the title is that in France that's how the movie was marketed
B13: Banlieue 13
As for release, hard to tell. Luc Besson produced
Ong Bak
too, but also
The Transporter
so I guess it depends which strings he decides to pull.
It's opening in Boston, but not anywhere in Maine, tomorrow. Just checking times and places - which probably doesn't tell you anything about Annapolis.
In class I try to avoid the word ghetto, but yeah.
Since the premise of the movie is that the French government has built a WALL around the neighborhood to keep the criminals in...
Escape from New York
, but in France?
[ETA(sk): How do I avoid the space before the comma? It's not there when I type.]
[ETA(sk): How do I avoid the space before the comma? It's not there when I type.]
That's an artifact of quick-formatting (I think). The only way to avoid the space (which I dislike, myself) is to format the old fashioned way.
t i
Escape From New York
t /i
And as you can see, because I used quick-formatting to do the fake tags, I got spaces between my tags, the words and the comma.
This is only a test:
So Escape from New York, but in France?
If this had been a real italics emergency... Who am I kidding? Getting something absolutely perfect is an emergency!
Thanks Sean, now I know.
Banlieu 13
When I saw the trailer for that I thought, "A movie made specifically for ita."
Jessica, what the short?
There wasn't a short, but that doesn't mean there won't be one attached to the theatrical reels.
Oh, did I mention that this movie must must MUST be seen in digital projection if at all possible? Because the visuals will knock you on your ass and then some -- they're SO damn good. There were a few shots that literally took my breath away. I mean, just WOW. (So if you must see it on film, see it opening weekend so you get a nice clean reel, not one that's been run through the projector a zillion times.)