I saw
after Aliens and it still creeped me out, even knowing that there was an alien it still held my attention, the whole inevitable -ness of it (like the dread of knowing Bayliss will pick up the phone in the first episode of Homicide)
What really stood out to me about
is how much movie making has changed. It starts off so slow and quiet, I was almost a bit impatient with it because I'm so used to quick cuts and things like that.
Loving the comparison, although if you've not seen the arc, it probably reads like "WTF? He picks up a phone..."
But after a few times you start hoping for Kay to be the Big Damn Heroine she is and handle it for the kid.
Definitely. The pacing in Alien was superb. Wasn't it a Ridley Scott movie? 'Cause that's semi-demi-ironic, at least.
Red Eye was a recent suspense movie that had excellent, tight pacing.
Yeah, I thought Alien was a really good movie. But I knew too much before seeing it (from Aliens, from hearing about it and stuff) to be really scary.
Red Eye was a recent suspense movie that had excellent, tight pacing.
Yeah, I thought it was pretty competently done. Nothing superb, but entertaining and well made.
Know what isn't on that list?
The Cutting Edge 2.
That was damned scary.
Hey, if we're going beyond the traditional definition of horror movies there's one in wide release right now that includes a Terry Bradshaw nude scene.
Why would anyone do that? Were they trying to be mean?
I have no idea. Particularly since they leaked word about it before opening weekend. That CAN'T have helped any at the box office.
I don't know -- when was it filmed? Because if it's a 30-year-old movie that's just now seeing the light of day....
Hey, I tried.