Exercise caution before watching Spongebob, then, what with all the taking baths and showers and drinking glasses of water and doing spit-takes and drooling and mopping the floor and some characters occasionally having fishbowls on their end tables. You have to embrace the cognitive dissonance or it'll break you.
eta: Bwah! Beautiful Spongebob xpost!
You do know that fishes can't speak English, right?
Fuck! You're kidding me.
And, heh, I haven't been able to get into
I was barely able to sit through the trailer for Shark Tale. The "fish" in the movie gave me the heebie jeebies.
When are they ever gonna do an animated movie about a plucky trilobite?
eta: Speaking of which, here's the world's largest trilobite: [link]
I love how in order to give a sense of its size, they have a drawing of it next to its natural enemy, the house cat....
t goes digging for that old script
I love how in order to give a sense of its size, they have a drawing of it next to its natural enemy, the house cat....
Well, something must have driven the trilobites into extinction...
I had a similar reaction to the fact that in Shark Tale, a movie that takes place entirely underwater, they SHUFFLE PAPER AROUND.
Hell, I'm still irate about the Disney animated
The Hunchback of Notre Dame,
they had Quasimodo
singing. ::waves cane wildly about::
I love The Hunchback of Notre Dame. Any movie that can deliver the line "Achilles! Heel!" to a horse named Achilles wins in my book.
Alatriste teaser, I think we may have seen this before.
I love The Hunchback of Notre Dame. Any movie that can deliver the line "Achilles! Heel!" to a horse named Achilles wins in my book.
Best. Part.
Ice Age 2 is translated here as something like The Epoch of the Iceyness, 2.
And I don't know about Happy Feet, but Mal loves the trailer.