Maria! Did you have a nice birthday?
We spent it packing. Settlement on the house is Friday, and there just doesn't seem to be enough time to get everything done.
DH did take me out for dinner, but we were both tired and crabby. It was still a good birthday because it ultimately leads to our goal.
erika, some time ago I caught the beginning of a truly terrible movie - "Lifeforce". Early on there was a message from the President and I heard this voice coming out and I'd swear it was Munch. Munch for President?
Go AWAY, stalker. Cass has nothing for you now. Get interested in something else, why doncha? Here's some pigeon feathers and a bottle cap to distract you, and a swift kick to help you along your way.
Todd, it was. It never fails to amuse me.
althought these days, it seems like it'd be an improvement (and Munch never shot any of his friends, did he?).
Addendum to previous post: I am way more freaked out about a past stalker knocking on my door than I want to let on.
No shit, Cass. I totally would be. Not sure what to suggest, though.
Good grief erika. We love your snark here! If I ever say anything even close to stupid feel free to snark away.
Eeeek Cass!
Cass, sweetie, after saying you have an old stalker re-visiting you, it's important for you to post once every ten minutes or so, just to keep my nerves calm. M'kay?
Obviously not being (totally) serious but... well... {{{you}}} Be safe, please.
Whew. Lots going on in here today. Congrats, Daniel.
Life looks way better after a three hour nap.
My "parents" split up when I was 4. The reason it is in air quotes is because I think parent implies much more than genetic material, and my biological father never did much more than that. But my mother re-married when I was six to the man who is my father, and they've had an amazing, strong relationship that has provided so much love and stability as well as an example for me. Leaving my bio-father was the best thing my mom could have done. This is a large part of the reason I am dropping my last name and taking the names of my mother and my (step)dad.
I have just found a place to stay for tonight (3.0 and the exBF, pays to end relationships on a good note) and another for tomorrow night. Both with people who are very very good to me and would easily maim for me if the need arose.
Has she done anything that merits a call to the police?
Yeah, but nothing that could ever get me a restraining order, despite my efforts at the time.
So I am cleaning up and locking the place up. I suspect she will just go away again.