Congrats on the job, Aimée and congrats on the raise, Gud!!
And yay for great haircuts and happy Bitches!!
askye, I hope everything goes as well as possible.
I've been listening to comedy skits all morning. It seems to be the only thing that's keeping me sane today. Well, mostly sane. As sane as can be expected?
Oh thank goodness, Gud. I was so hoping something would ease up for you soon.
My new second job is being called the "getting Out of Debt" job. Every paycheck is going to people we owe $$ to and making extra payments on stuff. My goal is to have us mostly out of debt by this time next year.
Well then, Yay for getting the job, but also ((Aimee)) for needing it.
Aimee, is Philadelphia still an option? And if so, how does the new job affect it (or vice versa)?
We could do ok if I didn't have it, but we want to have another baby. And while I know that waiting until you can afford a baby is unrealistic, I want us to not be as debt-free as possible by the time we start trying.
Fred Pete, no. We turned Philly down. Financially, it wasn't a great choice. We didn't have the moving capital and neither my job nor Joe's would have paid for the moving expenses. So, we are staying here for now.
Yay for the well deserved raise Gud!
Woo Hoo for nice haircuts!
Yippee for new jobs!
{{askye}} No fun that.
{{Trudy}} I'm so sorry for the double loss. I also agree wholeheartedly with your theory that Aunt Mimi insisted Esther join her.
You miss me? The boy was sick last weekend, then I was sick, and then I had to play catch up with work. But I'm baaaack.
Also, that Cashmere girl sure makes pretty babies, although that not a big surprise since she is such a cutie too.
Shoot, I musta skimmed over the pictures of the new Cashbaby. I peeked into BeepMe and Press but didn't see anything recent there.
Oh, I've drunk-dialed A LOT. But I think my percocet-induced phone calls (some of which were to y'all) were a LOT funnier.
Oh yeah, I rank that call up there with Ple's IM while under the influence of Red Bull and Vodka for entertainment value.
It's not the gears in my head that start to turn, Frank.
Pictures, Tep! (I must also note that in the picture you linked, we should all be so lucky to have such a Generic Picture Face.)
Congratulations, Gud! Well deserved and I'm so glad you finally got some positive acknowledgement.
Emmett called in sick at the Nurse's office with a cough and a sniffle. Mean Dad is none to happy about collecting Emmett with something less than a fever, compound fracture, or stuff violently exiting his body.
"I don't see an arrow sticking out of you! What's all this about?"
So I'm trying to make things as boring as possible today, so he'll have a disincentive to tap out with a sniffle. Of course, I'm still making him smoothies and letting him read his big volume of Calvin and Hobbes.
Okay, and letting him watch a half hour of PuppyBowl.