Oh, and before I forget, any update on the cookbooks?
I keep meaning to post in Press about them. Maybe I'll just go do that right now.
There was a lost e-mail with the file, so it's going to the printer tomorrow or Monday. Which means, it should be shipped soon (I suspect I'll be putting them together next Saturday and shipping then). The printer only needs a day or so to print, so it should be really soon.
Oxford would be very lucky to have you, vw. And if you go, I have a good friend and Buffy fan working there. She'll take you to tea!
Raq, that's horrible! Gah. I hope you can escape, and soon.
I'm having a hard time believing anyone took the initial accusation seriously enough to retort...but I've long suspected I missed the meeting where it was determined that "feminism" = "being just like the worst sort of man."
Yeah, I somehow wasn't there during that meeting, either. "Embrace what's wrong with CorpAmerica." isn't exactly doing anyone any favors.
I'm collecting up all y'all's headaches and tummyaches and SnotMonsters, and redistributing them amongst some folks here. If'n ya don't mind.
Don't mind atall. We have both. Help yourself.
You only need the fez if the Masons are Shriners.
Earwormed now.
Don't want to do it without the fez on. Oh no. Please understand, that's what I am. I wanna be. Your. Holy man.
you can have all my residual stress stiffness. My body just doesn't want to move today.. When ever I stress - I get stiff. have diabetes - made it worse. add asthma- and we add the lovely acheing ribcage. plus I have the restlessness and the inablity to focus on the day to day stuff. ( which is often how I destress - by doing domestic , make the home a comfortable place chores) I think I have enough to inflict on 3 or 4 people. Stupid body - the worst part looks over. Now is not the time to attack.
I'm collecting up all y'all's headaches and tummyaches and SnotMonsters, and redistributing them amongst some folks here. If'n ya don't mind.
The mind boggles, Raq. It probably shouldn't, but yet, it does. You are more than welcome to all of my aches and pains and sinus issues to redistribute as you will. Much ~ma on a better situation.
On the (sort of) bright side, my day at work has been absolutely awful, with amazing asshats doing amazing asshat things, and hearing about your situation makes mine seem not quite as bad.
You have to be a 32nd degree Mason to be allowed into the Shriners.
I think it's so funny that you have to be so advanced in order to wear a fez and drive around in a funny little car. I'm sure that there's more to it, but this part is hi-larious.