People find jobs usually through peeps they know. So, you know, spam us with your resume, keep talking through what you want to do, and talk with Career Woman about the practical stuff, too.
My mother has an egg poker. I want to steal it, because it rocks.
I think she actually has several.
Plus egg cups, but I don't think we used those after my toddlerhood was over.
::wince:: I think my resume kind of sucks. It's all over the place. Do people make resumes for specific jobs?
This job (well, internship) looks pretty cool.
They do.
I'm not sure what the fresh out of college do these days for resumes--I had precious little experience, and did a lot of temping to make up for that, which, technically, I'm kind of still doing.
I'd also call the big temp agencies in major cities and see if there's someone there you can talk to about possible work stuff. I'll email you my technical agency's info--they may have something suited, or someone with the time to talk to you about things. (Won't be until tomorrow, as I have to dig it up when I'm at work.)
I think I'll try a pin before spending money on a pricker (ooh, I like that word). Thanks Cass!
eta: I think I'm about six years old right now, but I've been at work for about 11 hours and had dental work today, so I guess that's ok.
You could also use it to poke zealots.
A pin will do that as well.
Also I have not fallen for any egg pokers prickers yet. I shall have to see if I want to remedy that.
I'll email you my technical agency's info--they may have something suited, or someone with the time to talk to you about things.
Cool. Thanks.
(Won't be until tomorrow, as I have to dig it up when I'm at work.)
Are you going in to work now?
So, I've applied for 3 jobs in the Portland area. Craxy, huh? Seriously, I'm tired of Wisconsin, I want something new in an area where I already know peeps. Plus, there were a number of high-paying temp jobs that even if I got a wild hair, sold the condo and just moved, I could support myself fairly well until something permanent came through.
So. Just sent off an email to a woman on one of the dating sites, her favourite movies include Fatal Attraction. I've asked here what she took away from the movie:
a. It's wabbit season!
b. All men are tools and deserve to suffer.
c. Michael Douglas is a tool and deserves to suffer.
It could be a red flag or a shared bedrock value. I can't wait to find out!
c. Michael Douglas is a tool and deserves to suffer.
truer words ne'er spoken.