So. Just sent off an email to a woman on one of the dating sites, her favourite movies include Fatal Attraction. I've asked here what she took away from the movie:
a. It's wabbit season!
b. All men are tools and deserve to suffer.
c. Michael Douglas is a tool and deserves to suffer.
It could be a red flag or a shared bedrock value. I can't wait to find out!
c. Michael Douglas is a tool and deserves to suffer.
truer words ne'er spoken.
I think I'll try a pin before spending money on a pricker
we're back to the hookers
a. It's wabbit season!
I thought it was the minks that were in season in that movie.
eta: Heh, wrong Michael Douglas movie! I was thinking of
Basic Instinct.
Still, it proves that Michael Douglas is the tool of the Animal Planet channel.
I was starting to think I had gotten away with this one.
Craxy, huh?
Best kind of crazy EVAH!
I shall lure all the 'fistas to my new town...
moved last bit to LJ
I always read it as so crazy that as to be sent to B'craxy. But I think there is another read or three as well.
what does craxy mean?
It means crazy like a foz!