it is just that I boggle when people don't understand why leaving California might seem real shiny.
That's just it though -- I have no desire to ever leave Brooklyn. Hell, I don't even want to leave Carroll Gardens. The reason houses are so pricey in this neighborhood is that it's perfect. It's got every kind of shopping and eating you could want within walking distance, it's got great schools, it's a mile from the park, it's 15 minutes from Manhattan...I love living here so much. I doubt we'll be able to afford to stay here with kids, but it'll kill me to leave.
Gud, you live near a school district called "Peculiar"? Cool.
Yeah, I'm just a little north of Peculiar, Missouri.
Millions of congratulations, Cash, and welcome, Olivia!
Olivia Rose is a seriously pretty name.
Seriously. And now I'm earwormed with "Starfish and Coffee," with slightly altered lyrics. All of us are ordinary, compared to 'Livia Rose.
Oh I don't question why people want to stay in places with astronomic real estate prices. I just completely get it when they also want to leave for whatever reason.
I've adored my neighborhood. I just really would like to be in a place I actually own and that just can't happen here. Nor would I want it to. My house is darling but spending about $700K on something that needs to be leveled and rebuilt? Even if I could technically afford it, I wouldn't want to put that kind of money into it.
I'm earwormed with "Starfish and Coffee," with slightly altered lyrics
I knew you'd be the other person thus affected.
Baby baby baby! Welcome Olivia!
We'll have to get her a Teatro Olivia when she's older.
Missouri has some great town names. Peculiar, Tightwad, Knob Lick, Licking, Butts, Japan, Cuba, Turtle, Village of Four, and many more.
I knew you'd be the other person thus affected.
should be thus affected, dammit.
Relatedly, I think I need to take "Sexy MF" off my shuffle, as I have repeatedly and humiliatingly proven myself totally incapable of listening to it while walking down the street without shakin' that ass, shakin' that ass.
I'm earwormed with "Starfish and Coffee," with slightly altered lyrics
I knew you'd be the other person thus affected.
In my lj, flea just posted:
And now I can only sing, "all of us were ordinary, compared to Olivia Rose."