what did you do after you graduated college?
Got married (the DAY after graduation). Moved to the Bay Area. Tried to get a job during a bad recession. Moved north to Sacramento. FINALLY got a job...a job that has made every job since look wonderful.
Heh. Something Hec and Maidengurl might appreciate: The part of Athens I live in is Papagos. Which I believe is the name of the park where the A's play in spring training. Karma, I tell you.
And I need to ask for some unspecified life~ma, having to do with careers and places and moving and such.
Go, Nicole!! So proud of you.
Bad = Killer Cramps from Hell
Good = Leaving early today to get a massage!
Boo for the bad. And, I totally sympathize. I'm got some serious cramps happening along with nausea. Yay! But, I don't get the nice massage.
After college, I moved home (Memphis) and worked for about 8 months before starting grad school. After grad school, I moved back to Memphis again and worked or a year before moving to Chicago. They were both good experiences for me. Grad school, on the other hand, I wish I had done differently. My advisor and I never really clicked (read: hated each other), and in a small program, that makes a huge difference. But I thought after the first year that I was stuck in the program until I finished. I wish I had just gone to another university.
But you were in IT--admittedly I was in Canada, but I got the first job I applied for and they were desperate for more people.
I was stuck in San Antonio right after college for life-reasons. There isn't a big tech industry there and the IT jobs all had tons of applicants. I finally got a low paying job doing support, but only because choices one and two didn't work out. I got a rejection letter before I was hired.
It's sixteen years later, and I'm still doing what I was going to do until I got on my feet and started doing what I wanted to do.
Oops, I forgot. Right after college, I also drove out to LA, and bummed around taking temp jobs and volunteering for AFI movie projects as a PA.
Moved back when the funds ran out.
Maidengurl might appreciate:
Yes, indeedy. And I will be there in JUST OVER A MONTH.
Ahem, sorry. I can't answer the college question, cause I'm still in school, and working full time, and parenting...I'm so not a good example.
I took my last exam, delayed working a week because of a sprained thumb, and dived right into the workplace in the same city in which I'd gone to school. I don't regret it at all.
MG, you're an awesome and incredible example.
My first job was nice in that I could pay the bills and eat while searching for a better job.
I wish I could have done something before diving right into the job market. But I graduated deep in debt, and for quite a while there it only got deeper. At 38 I'm still not quite finished digging my way out.