So, just how terrifying is it to go somewhere and work post-college?
As Gud points out, job-having is good. And Steph is right on the money about the internship. I ended up in Chicago right after college. I didn't know anyone; had lived in a dorm, so had no clue about apartment living. So the things that were a huge struggle for me - support system and independence - should be much less to non-existent for you.
There are lots of Buffista-laden areas for you to go. I'm really excited for you. I think the time after college can be so rich with learning about the Real World and the Real You, that the setting is less important than you think.
Belated Birthday wishes to Anne, and belated congrats to ita.
Beth, I've written to Matt, too. I've been thinking about you guys.
Nicole - 8 days is FANTASTIC. I wish I could get DH to quit. He bought a "Quitting for Dummies" book, so I was hopeful. But then one of the kids asked him about the book and I never saw it again.
Nevertheless, YOU deserve big congrats.
Thanks Nicole. I'll check it out, see what it says.
Still, my question for everyone who wanders through SB still stands, about what you did post-grad.
Perkins--it's certainly an attractive option, given the community out there...
And now I'm off. Plane-ma for me, please.
Post-college, I went straight to law school. I wish I had gone somewhere to work for a year or so first.
s/grad school/law school and Perkins is me.
Well, shit.
Big!Boss just asked me why he doesn't see more of me...that I should be here at least 20 hours a week.
So, I laughed. I don't think that was the response he was looking for.
So, I laughed. I don't think that was the response he was looking for.
Well, sometimes it's all you can do.
I'm confused, though, didn't you have a big conversation about Stuff with him pretty recently?
No. That was my regular boss. I doubt Big!Boss knows anything about what is going on.
I suppose I should maybe take it as a compliment? Or...he's getting impatient about the project I'm working on? I don't know. I'm just trying not to panic and figure out how to work 20 hours a week. I just can't do it right now.
I'm sure it's OK. Don't panic. Maybe mention it to your regular boss though.
I wish I could get DH to quit. He bought a "Quitting for Dummies" book, so I was hopeful. But then one of the kids asked him about the book and I never saw it again.
MG, could you casually point him toward quitnet dot com? You don't have to be an ex-smoker to go there and he could even set his quit date for a year from now, if he wanted to. The people are very supportive and the site has a ton of good info about quitting. Good luck, hon.
I still have no idea why or how Jan 23rd became my quit date. It just sort of happened. Not even a month earlier I had snapped at a co-worker to back off from trying to guilt me into quitting (his dad was recently diagnosed with lung cancer) and almost stopped dating a guy that constantly bitched about cigarettes.