Manayunk! I love the name! I went to college outside Philadelphia and part of one summer a friend and I were sharing a house in Roxborough!
And, if you're going to be in Philly, I found the web site for this place. I'm tempted by the Audrey dress ... although I may be much too fat to get into it.
the sanitarium one. I liked the Julie Benz one, because it made some sense.... this one bugged me until I saw the baddie then it was ok.
Philly is not a bad area to be...
Hey, I have a dinner-date tomorrow! Different guy.
Going out for Thai. I am not nervous at all for this one; just worried I might be tired.
Philly is very close to NYC and DC, both of which are rich in Buffista goodness.
Just sayin'...
I loathe iDVD with the white hot burning intensity of a thousand suns. May it die a horrible and prolonged death. [eta: this comment isn't related to anything online, just a work rant]
Philly is very close to NYC and DC, both of which are rich in Buffista goodness
#2 on the Pro list, I assure you.
Whoot on the mega-date-age, Erin! Have fun.
I am getting loads of things done today and am shocked at how much I have let slip in the past couple of months. I thought I hadn't put so many things off. My decision to put my Portland trip off from this morning to Thursday morning? Such a good thing.
My family lived in the NW burbs of Philly when I was in 5th grade. I don't remember too much about it except the pretty and old houses, pretty flowers in spring, and a dialect that was like fingernails on a chalkboard. We only lived there about 14 months because my little Southern/Midwestern family didn't acclimate well to northeastern sensibilities.
Aimee, Manayunk is *so* cute. A great, small-town-like section of Philly. Beware in the winter, though -- there's not much off-street parking, and when they do get snow, plowing and all that is a nightmare.
Oh lordy, this is so true. It's a fantastic little community with some great eating and shopping, and there's an annual bike race that goes through there, but the parking situation is horrendous. (There's a great microbrewery there, which offers valet parking. I liked that.)
I just saw a preview of "Practicing Law" with JAR.
Work is lucky. It is pouring now - and I don't wannna go in tonight. If it had been rainning this morning , I'm not sure I would have gotten out of bed.