I have to be at my parent's house in six and a half hours. Guess who isn't sleeping. Sigh...
I wish beyond anything that tomorrow wasn't when we were going out to Joshua Tree to scatter grandma's ashes. Because I still feel like hell from both barely sleeping on a couch that
agrees with me last night and mostly this wicked IBS attack.
And while I recognize that I am cranky, bitchy and whiny, I can't seem to stop being any of those things. And my family doesn't deserve it and my grandma really doesn't deserve it.
The only silver lining is that the 24-hour Daytona enduro race is still going and racing is like comfort food to me. However I am bitter because I need to leave at 8:30 and the race ends at 9 so best case scenario I will miss seeing the last half hour.
Which? Whatever. Because I am recording it and I am unlikely to a.) be spoiled and b.) it's not the worst thing if I am spoiled. These races are more about the process than the destination for me.
t rereads
Can I Marcie myself?
{{{{{{{{{{{{{{Cass}}}}}}}}}}}}}} I'm not sleeping either, but I don't have to do much tomorrow.
I am feeling a little more Zen about it now that I have accepted that I won't be sleeping tonight but maybe I can grab a nap in the car.
My tummy feels like it might be over torturing me too.
So I am wandering back and forth between my room and the office where I am ripping cds. Dimmed the lights, made some tea and I caved and turned the heater on. So I am feeling at least less stressed now. After my outburst.
I hope you can get some sleep soon.
Less stressed is good. I hope it stays that way. I think I am going to try to get one more hours sleep before the alarm goes off and Teacup guy has to get up for work.
Shouldn't the East Coast be waking up?
Trudy, [link] Go there.
Afternoon, my lovelies!
Hec. Dude. Not the best day ever. Glad it was salvaged in the end.
Congratulations, Sail! Bless!
{{Jon B.}} Damn. So sorry, man. Love to you and yours.
Deena - yay you! And yay teh Aiden! You're one helluva good mom, you really are, and your kids rock. Sound like he's got some interesting learning stuff going on, and is keeping all of you on your toes. You're being very sensible and chilled. Go team you.
Cindy, feel better.
Nicole, go you with the cigarettelessness!
Beej, I'm rooting for you. I agree that it may be a Good Thing to have a chilling/vegging kind of date, in which he sees you at your NOT most sparkling. Good way to know whether you really can get on with each other.
ChiKat, the dream sounded AWFUL. So sorry about that.
And now in mememe news - after having lost no weight over the holiday period (but also gained none - which I figure is okay, what with all the wicked bad food and interruption of routines and so forth) I tried to get back on the wagon last week.
Have now lost 29lb, ie just over 2 stone.
chuffed. Go team me. Still a long way to go to hit a healthy BMI, but I'm getting there.
ion, have been offered an interview for a job in Caracas. Anyone know anything about Caracas? From everything I've been able to dig up so far, it sounds pretty good. Problem is that I can't really afford to fly back to London for just the one interview - need to get a couple of them lined up, at least, insh'allah. But I'd really like to try for this. I figure - South America. Rainforest. Beaches. Trinidad and Tobego but a stone's throw away. I could go to Cuba, and maybe fly up and visit folks in the US. Plus, in Venezuela they MAKE chocolate. Still, we'll see - I'm applying to loads of exciting sounding places.
I don't know much about Caracas, Fay, but rainforest and beaches sounds really cool.
Also, yay on the weight loss.
I woke up early today, in an effort to get used to waking up early, so that I'll be able to wake up really early to teach at 8 AM tomorrow. Have I mentioned recently how much I am not a morning person? Because, really not one.
Am inexpressibly chuffed. Go team me.
Well yeah, that is great!
Fay, you should be chuffed! Keep up the good work. And Caracas sounds like it could be a blast. I'll send you more-interviews~ma so you can do it!
And--gronk. Up too damn early on a Sunday, but have a plane to catch. Home, again, home, again, here we go.
sj and Cass, hope you got some sleep. Takes care of yer hottest selves.
Safe travels, Sail.
I did not sleep but I'm riding out to the desert with my parents so I can nap on the way there and back perchance.