Fay, you should be chuffed! Keep up the good work. And Caracas sounds like it could be a blast. I'll send you more-interviews~ma so you can do it!
And--gronk. Up too damn early on a Sunday, but have a plane to catch. Home, again, home, again, here we go.
sj and Cass, hope you got some sleep. Takes care of yer hottest selves.
Safe travels, Sail.
I did not sleep but I'm riding out to the desert with my parents so I can nap on the way there and back perchance.
Yay, Fay!
Cass, huggles to you, and hope you get some napping in on the ride.
And while I recognize that I am cranky, bitchy and whiny, I can't seem to stop being any of those things. And my family doesn't deserve it and my grandma really doesn't deserve it.
Sweetheart, you don't deserve sickness and insomnia and to have lost your Grandmother. Nobody is getting what they deserve. Your family appreciates you and I feel confident saying your Grandmother feels nothing but love and the sweetest concern for you right now.
Fay!!! 29 freaking pounds? Go you! Caracas sounds interesting, and it would be a fun cultural swing from Egypt.
Nice napping to Cass. May it be a peaceful time for you and your family in the desert.
Go Fay!! Not gaining weight over the holidays is quite good. I selfishly like the notion of Caracas because inexpensive direct flights available to and from Miami.
Fay, 2 stone is awesome. And Caracas? Closer to here, and thus very very excellent. Though it makes me sad to think of you no longer living with your most excellent flatmate.
Has anything else come to light WRT the school letting you go? I'm still slightly agape on your behalf over that; it's right up there with Daniel's situation as the most OMGWTF so extremely unjust and irrational and stupid! firing I've ever heard of.
{{{Cass}}} Please don't Marcie yourself.
To do today: Church, gelato with Emmett and my mom (her treat; her store got a huge box of used books donated from an unknown source several weeks ago, and when going through themy yesterday she found $60 tucked inside one book -- not that we're telling Emmett this, as he would no doubt consider it a point of honor to attempt to actually consume $60 worth of gelato), home again. Hopefully, this time not derailed by stoopid humans abandoning helpless kittens on th church doorstep.
Fay, woot! Go team you indeed!
{{{{{Cass}}}}} I'm so sorry about the IBS attack and the no sleep--especially when you had the memorial the next day. Hang in there, sweetie.
In meme news, I didn't fall asleep until 2:30 last night but am inexplicably wide awake now. Woke up just after 8 and can't seem to get back to sleep, but I'm far too gronky to use this time to be productive.
I'm hungry. Why is no one bringing me breakfast in bed?
t /whine
she found $60 tucked inside one book
Woo! Nothing so fun as finding unexpected green folding stuff.