Deena, some of what you're describing of Aidan's delays makes me think of the way Chris learned things (the no-progress-no-progress-no-progress then huge leaps and bounds to proficiency, although not in the same things) -- who is turning out to be a fluffy bunny evil genius who would be genuinely upset if he saw the word "evil" here.
In your opinion, was Kara advanced? I know Julia seemed to know everything from birth, so the divide between her and Chris seemed that much wider. I didn't feel like I had a good yardstick to measure him by.
Oh. What Betsy said. He hid stuff until he'd mastered it, I think. In fact sometimes, I think he didn't try stuff until he'd mentally mastered it. If that's Aidan's personality, then his low vision might be stretching out his learning process a little, too.
I'll second all the He's so Blessed to Have You sentiments. In Pooh case, apparently.
Cass, thank you. Your dreams still haven't gone away? Ugh.
I'll second all the He's so Blessed to Have You sentiments. In Pooh case, apparently.
Not only What Cindy Said, but how she capitalized it.
Your dreams still haven't gone away? Ugh.
They haven't gone away but they are getting less and less upsetting. At least in a trend way, some nights are kinda rough individually. They are all very vivid and, instead of something quite fanciful, they have a realness to them that makes them harder to shake.
Sharks with frickin' lasers on their heads? I can wake up, chalk it up as a dream and go on with stumbling toward coffee. People (okay, exes) hurting me, and me hurting them, in the exact ways we did and with extra malice on top? Well it's a lot harder for me to just get over it.
Last night combined the two. Well the fanciful and the real, not the laser beamed-sharks so much. It made me think for a little while after I woke up but it didn't make me shake and cry. So I'm getting better.
ICompletelyON, my desktop computer that I thought had committed suicide by motherboard failure just before I drowned my iPod? Just turned on. I hit the power to get the beeps so I could troubleshoot and also tear out my harddrives and the damn thing turned on. Given that it has my complete music library? Rock on! I am leaving it on until my new refurbished iPod gets here and I will have my precioussssssss music again.
Last night combined the two. Well the fanciful and the real, not the laser beamed-sharks so much. It made me think for a little while after I woke up but it didn't make me shake and cry. So I'm getting better.
Good. I had a rotten dream Wednesday night, but I was so glad when I finally realized it was a dream (I'd dreamt I'd done something awful), I forgot to cry.
ICompletelyON, my desktop computer that I thought had committed suicide by motherboard failure just before I drowned my iPod? Just turned on. I hit the power to get the beeps so I could troubleshoot and also tear out my harddrives and the damn thing turned on. Given that it has my complete music library? Rock on! I am leaving it on until my new refurbished iPod gets here and I will have my precioussssssss music again.
I just Snopsed my mother's friend. Actually, I consider her a friend too, but I can't take the e-mail forwards, any more. I've snopsed her in the past, to no avail, so it was probably for nothing.
but I was so glad when I finally realized it was a dream (I'd dreamt I'd done something awful)
Oh yeah... It was waking up and having to take forever to disentangle what was a dream and what had really happened that makes it worse to me. Because there is no letting it go, you just dissect it and keep going over things.
I miss my bizarre and easily recognized as dreams dreams.
They are all very vivid and, instead of something quite fanciful, they have a realness to them that makes them harder to shake.
I feel for you. It really isn't a pleasant way to start the day.
Emeline has a new trick.
She plays her piano with her BUTT.
So does she play it well?
Depends on when her last diaper change was.
Why I gotta be a smartass and ask smartass questions that can only end in ewwwww?
Even when I made K-Bug cry. (Though to point fingers o'blame, I think it was less my comment than the fact that C and Suzi both jumped up and high-fived me.)
Likely true and I apologized to her as we walked to the car. To explain the point, she has done NOTHING to wrap her boyfriend around her little finger, and yet there he is, 6'3" of him. He absolutely dotes on her and gets called PW for it.
He really is a sweet boy and they are a good couple. Sunday is their one year anniversary.
Now, on to another topic. I am mucho impressed with Emeline's musical skills.