Yes! In fact, I need to start looking at dates and flights and stuff.
brenda, Southwest has some flights for $99 each way from Midway to Oakland. IJS.
The dream was nasty and lingering, but I talked to the BF, too, and that helped. It's slowly fading.
stabby stabby stabby
Only half an hour left to go and yet they make me go STABBY STABBY STABBY.
The dream was nasty and lingering
I've been having really vivid dreams for a bit now and sometimes they are really hard to shake off. Mine are getting a little better, or at least easier to shake off as dreams and not feeling so real once I wake up.
I hope it continues to fade for you.
So, for instance, that he can stack 10 blocks (1"x1") one on top of another without missing or knocking them over is better than many 3 and 4 year olds can do, but he didn't understand stacking until he suddenly got it, later than other children do, and then he could do 9 or 10 right away; none of this namby-pamby 2 or 3 block business.
Deena, this may or may not be true in Aidan's case. My kids' Montessori school said that some children "hide skills till they're perfected": they make all their progress internally, cognitively, until they're ready to do the whole damned thing at once. My son was like that -- he went from not writing at all to writing fluently in something like a week. The teacher said she'd never seen such an extreme case.
My office just had cake in the breakroom for Mozart.
I love my office.
I allowed myself a lazy ass morning and just wandered into the office about 30 minutes ago. And I'm leaving within the next 30.
Dinner with Buffistas last night rocked like a rocking thing that rocks. Kinda wish it hadn't been a school/work night as I wanted to stay and play until late, late, late.
Only half an hour left to go and yet they make me go STABBY STABBY STABBY.
Almost over! I had two different bosses give me things at 3pm that had to be done before CoB today. Does that seem right to you? On a fucking Friday?!
sj, I'm seeing you in a new and different job with people who are not assholes. It's a better picture. That last job sucked.
Dinner with Buffistas last night rocked like a rocking thing that rocks. Kinda wish it hadn't been a school/work night as I wanted to stay and play until late, late, late.
It was fun! Even when I made K-Bug cry. (Though to point fingers o'blame, I think it was less my comment than the fact that C and Suzi both jumped up and high-fived me. I apologized most sincerely to K-Bug on our way out, and she graciously forgave me.)