talking about Point Reyes and the whole area
My mother and I moved to Point Reyes in 1983, after my parents divorced. My cousin now lives in my grandmother's old house on the ridge there. My love for the place knows no rationality and no bounds. I'm not that far away (just the other side of San Francisco), but I don't ever feel like I go back and visit enough.
Did I mention I love you more than Jamaican rum?
That's a lot of love. Got your mail and will get them out Monday. In the meantime I shall taunt you. BSG was awesomely awesome. Ronon was the hottest thing evah. Mitchell/Daniel - well enough said.
Karl, good to see you again. I'll have to put a tour of Point Reyes on my list of things to do.
Stephanie, will you guys be in Puerto Rico by May?
Yes, nut I'm not sure when. Probably towards mid to end of May, depending on a few things like the house selling and some course Joe has to attend.
In the meantime I shall taunt you. BSG was awesomely awesome. Ronon was the hottest thing evah. Mitchell/Daniel - well enough said.
Instead, I am biting very deeply into my left hand, and politely typing, "Thank you, ma'am. May I have another?"
I'm terribly depressed.
I weighed myself at the Y today, and I weigh 15 pounds more than I thought I did...25 pounds more than my previous high weight. Damn steroids. Damn medications. Damn everything.
Well, at least you were at the Y trying to do something about it, vw. It's better to know the truth so you can set a goal and start working toward it.
Step away from the scales vw. No good can come of it. I never weigh myself out and dressed. Naked first thing in the morning if at all. I haven't weighed myself in months. The limited options in clothing tell me all I need to know.
I'm sorry the medications are giving you a weight problem.
I would taunt Almare more about SciFi Friday, but I have to do some work stuff.
Dan/Cam! Ronon w/knives! The music of BSG
better than ever.
I weighed myself at the Y today, and I weigh 15 pounds more than I thought I did...25 pounds more than my previous high weight. Damn steroids. Damn medications. Damn everything.
Do snap out of it. It just means that the machine was clearly broken. Always remember to get the second opinion.
I just threadsucked and skipped (for the moment) 250 messages. I will go back to read them either after I post, or after I post and then nap.
My grandma passed away this morning just before 5:30. She was surrounded by family and it was, to me, a relief in the end when she finally was able to let go.
She has been asleep for the past several days and had been in pain, even with all of the medications we could give her, and delusional prior to that from the pain, the meds and the dehydration.
I filled her room with pictures of her whole family, candles, fresh flowers and her favorite music. We all sat with her and talked to her, telling her that we loved her and that she could go now.
There were weird family dynamics going on and some big ugly inappropriate things said and done. Pretty much what I suspect goes on in various degrees with every family anywhere. But we all emerged mostly unscathed, especially those of us who actually stay in touch with one another.
The Hospice people, bless their souls, were wonderful to her and us in the last ten days. Someone came this morning after we called to clean up, wash grandma, dress her in a new nightie and clear out all of the equipment and meds.
Much pharmacopia was flushed. Somewhere downstream, some fishies are getting totally loaded. Though they won't have to worry about their cholesterol.
The hardest part was when the people, who were really polite and respectful, from the cremation service came to pick her up.
I have spent the better part of the last ten days at my parent's house, most of it in grandma's room (with a couple of hours at a time back at my house to feed my cats and beg them to not forget me) and am in sleep dep delerium.
I have a couple more calls to make and then a nap if I can sleep. I'm not even crying right now but I think that it's just a temporary pause. I'm hoping that this post makes even a little bit of sense once I have a few brain cells back around to reread it.
Thank you all for your support over the last three weeks. It's made such a difference.