I'm glad you get to sleep in your own bed tonight.
I am grateful to be home but still puttering around -- dragging the trash and recycling to the curb, watering plants that might have signed a DNR, petting kitties as they appear, taking an hours long bath and doing laundry. Things I can only (or best) do here, but I really need to sleep soon. I am just content enough to be doing home!things right now that I am also doing not!sleep things.
This is so difficult, but what you're doing for your grandmother is--well, at this point it's the best you can do for her. It's all you can do for her.
It really is both everything, and all, I can do for her.
Being able to sit with my grandma and just talk to her is comforting though, even (or, sadly, especially) as I am telling her that she can let go now.
Also knowing that, while I am watching her through the night, others can sleep makes me feel like I am helping. I have this freakishly early morning family so being able to let them get some sleep while I sit through the night is good. Which I will do again tomorrow night.
I stopped by the WBxB's on my way home to pick up my iPod (I was transferring music to his PC last time I was there and it took too long so I left the iPod there). He was sweet, as always, and I cried against his shoulder for a little bit before heading home. Then, when I got in the bath and grabbed my iPod, I discovered a new playlist. It's fun and sweet and a very nice surprise.
I might not have been able to figure out how to have forever with them, but a select few of my exes are just completely wonderful to me. And I will continue to cherish that.
Brain tendrils? WTF? Steph, I'm sorry about your grandfather's health situation, and also that you have to deal with Caretaker!Aunt. Good luck with all of it.
And thanks for the link to the ovarian cancer article in Beep Me, Betsy! Mom was treated for it last summer, but seems to be in remission. But that's an "at the moment" sort of thing, unfortunately, so I'll print this out for her in case it becomes an issue again.
Calli, I've been wondering if I should send it to my s-i-l. I think I'm going to send it to one of her sisters, and let the sister decide. My s-i-l's ovarian cancer was a weird kind, I guess. It was stage 3B, but as far as I heard, it was a free floating mass in her abdomen, and wasn't attached to anything at all. She's since had a hysterectomy and treatments, and is also in remission, but she had a heck of a year in addition to that, with her husband suffering some freak paralysis, due to a back problem. He's still rehabilitating, and I know she is tired of talking about their illnesses.
I have this freakishly early morning family so being able to let them get some sleep while I sit through the night is good.
I've always pulled the night shift in this situation. There is a certain peaceful feeling to sitting with the loved one while the world sleeps. The ill person doesn't have any real concept of the hour. You remain in my thoughts and prayers Cass. Stength and peace to you and yours.
Sorry you have to use your awesome powers of biting tongue Teppy. I hope the decisions made for your grandfather's care result in the least discomfort for him.
I skipped bunches because I have to work for a living...
Our Maidengurl needs iron~ma? There's an amusing joke to be made here.
Cass - thanks for the giggle. I needed that this morning. Last night was a rough one.
Letting go~ma to your Grandma.
Then, when I got in the bath and grabbed my iPod, I discovered a new playlist. It's fun and sweet and a very nice surprise
Wow. That's just beautiful. And he didn't even have to have a quicky with a chaise lounge to do it.
Hang in there, Steph, don't kill anyone.
Didn't we have some sort of "No cancer in '06" vote? I thought that passed?
Well, you know Bureau. Some of the people are still upset we didn't call it "Cancer: GET OUT, GET OUT GET OUT!!"
t falls down laughing
It's wrong to joke about Cancer of course... let the crippled chick do it.
Didn't we have some sort of "No cancer in '06" vote? I thought that passed?
If not I second it, and will gladly create as many sock puppets as needed to third, fourth, and fifth it, and pass it, social capital be darned to all heck.
Well, you know Bureau. Some of the people are still upset we didn't call it "Cancer: GET OUT, GET OUT GET OUT!!"
It coulda been a contender, but it split its vote with "Bureaucracy: Like an aneurism, with even less funny" and they both lost.
It's wrong to joke about Cancer of course... let the crippled chick do it.
First all the good parking spaces, now all the dark humor.