( continues...) August and I said I hadn't thought out my plans yet, that was apparently an unforgiveable snub.)
No. I wasn't kidding when I said it was the *short* version. There's so much more going on, psychiatrists could write multi-volume books on us.
Anyway. I'm going over to the hospital after work to see what's what. My mom informed me that she will NOT be going. Because, like I said, my family is fucked up beyond measure.
And, for the record, I'm not freaked out or upset -- I don't need bracket-hugs or vibes (though, okay, healing vibes for *Grandpa* would be welcomed) -- this is par for the course with my family. I'm concerned, obviously, but not freaked out.
We make the families in Faulkner look *normal.*
Jesus, Steph. And you're a hundred percent correct about the melanoma. Just for my own satisfaction, I'd see if there is any way to talk to the doctor while you're at the hospital and just ask what the hell he/she was thinking.
Jesus, Steph. And you're a hundred percent correct about the melanoma.
I need to ask caretaker!aunt if the dermatologist informed *her* -- BEFORE removing Grandpa's nose -- that the procedure would be that extreme. Grandpa's quite obviously senile -- anyone can tell, within 30 seconds of meeting him -- and so if the dermatologist got Grandpa's "consent" without talking to my aunt, I'm going to beat the shit out of him.
Of course, if he *did* tell my aunt, and she said yeah, go ahead, I'm going to totally lose my shit on her. Because -- why? Why put Grandpa through that when he's 90 and senile? Why?
But I don't know how the whole nose-removal came about, so I'm trying to not let loose with my ire until I find out the facts.
I don't care whose consent he got -- the dermotologist deserves to be beaten with a stick. Why even recommend that kind of unneccessary surgery for a 90 year-old in the first place???
I don't care whose consent he got -- the dermotologist deserves to be beaten with a stick. Why even recommend that kind of unneccessary surgery for a 90 year-old in the first place???
I know, right? I mean, what the FUCK -- did he start removing a tiny bit and then realize there was a ton of cancer and think "Oh well, Mr. M_____ is senile -- he won't miss his NOSE,"?!?!?
What they all said, Steph.
Holy crap, Steph. That's just fucked up.
Healing ~ma to your Grandpa.
Why are doctors such idiots.
My mom has had umpteen bizillion surgeries in the last year or so for her dialysis access. One of them left a real nasty scar on her neck. The head surgeon referred her to plastic surgery to get it cleaned up - the surgeon's idea, not mom's, though mom was fine with that idea.
When she met with the plastic surgeon she was told that he would not do the surgery because she is diabetic. Ummmm, no, she is not. She tried to explain that she has neither hypertension nor diabetes and yet, yes, she does have kidney failure. He couldn't wrap his little brain around this and kept insisting she was diabetic even though it is NOWHERE in her chart.
Right - on that note - her next adventure under the knife is tomorrow afternoon. Health~ma is appreciated.
eta - I'm not an unfeeling MeMeMe bitch. Much ~ma to your Grandpa, Steph.
When she met with the plastic surgeon she was told that he would not do the surgery because she is diabetic. Ummmm, no, she is not. She tried to explain that she has neither hypertension nor diabetes and yet, yes, she does have kidney failure. He couldn't wrap his little brain around this and kept insisting she was diabetic even though it is NOWHERE in her chart.
I think I'd be a little worried abour letting someone this stupid near my neck with a scalpel. or anywhere near me, actually.