I always look like a fat octopus when I take it off that way, so not hot.
Thanks. So I'm not lazy for not wanting to risk breaking a limb or getting into a car accident? I need to find a way to not make myself sick from now until my next shift on Friday.
Nope. And those jackwads are a-holes.
Cass, strength and peace to you all. I'm sorry about the lost words.
Have just received an email from a total babe friend I'd lost touch with (because I am a crap correspondent from the planet crap).
...and now I'm wondering whether she still looks almost exactly like this, or if she's done something crazy like grow her hair longer.
Conceivably I might be able to hook up with her before I head back to Egypt. That would be splendid.
Cass, strength and peace to you all. I'm sorry about the lost words.
The words mean less to me cause I just was given a break in the watching grandma marathon. I fell as;;ep nearly ten times just trying to read the last 60 messages. The other clue should have been the hallucinating.
Sleep now.
Hey, Bitches! I had to skim a lot, so hugs and punctuation to all who need them.
{{Cass}} Sleep, love. Peace to you and your family.
Happy belated birthday, Emily!
I had a good holiday. Went down to Memphis for a few days, spent time with family, picked up a cold from toddlers and spent the past 4 days sleeping trying to knock it out of me. I'm better today, but The Ick still has its hold on me.
I'm at work, but think I may leave a bit early.
And, I got
Wicked: The Grimmerie
from the BF with a post-it note attached: "Jan. 17, 7:30 pm" Whee!!! Gonna go see Wicked!!!
And, I got Wicked: The Grimmerie from the BF with a post-it note attached: "Jan. 17, 7:30 pm" Whee!!! Gonna go see Wicked!!!
me too! tomorrow! SO EXCITED. and I ebayed my extra tickets and made $150!
The Grimmerie is awesome. I finished reading it last night.
(tucks Cass in with a blankie)
Getting in touch with old friends is cool; when they look like that, it's hot!
The bra removal thing was more about what Nora and Robin said, done out of annoyance with the bra rather than desire to arouse any onlookers. I had filed it under "necessary but awkward clothing adjustment" with a subheading of "showing undergarments in public is tacky" but I have been informed by a couple guys that it's v.hot.
I could totally see myself doing this, as I hate bras, and having no clue why a male friend (or my DH) was suddenly all worked up.
sleep well
ask me why I am not in retail anymore. or most of the people I knew in retail are no longer in retail. Somehow retail asks you to give up you life. even if you work part time. as much as it is obvious that sj's managers are being asshats, the pressure comes from above them . not just their managers, but things like mall management. Who will fine the store major bucks if they close the store when the mall isn't closed. Stay strong sj, and remember you made it thru the hard part of the year.