But then it's distressing to me to hear about when they work.
It's always been distressing to me to hear about, or worse yet see first hand, the many, many success stories of picking up women by being a jackass. I've always felt the success of the jackass strategy said really crappy things about us as people.
I just talked to the ever so practical Teacup Guy. He made me feel better and listed all of the things that I should keep in mind when going into work on Friday.
And pickup lines are lame. So there.
Jess! Hey, baby....post in this thread often?....
sj, you have to take care of yourself, since your bosses clearly don't have any of your interests at heart. Not that they have to...but no need to be pricks about it.
then it's distressing to me to hear about when they work.
You know, often I think it's the guy and not the line. Because even the cheesiest line can be pulled off with the most irony and I'd fall for it. Or the wrong guy can put forth the most sincere sentiment, and I just end up looking at him funny.
And vice versa.
There is no magic beyond self confidence, a bit of humility, and respect. If you're hitting on me.
So, is the pickup line what finally gets one to agree to go to bed, or is it what starts the are-we-gonna-go-to-bed banter?
Jess! Hey, baby....post in this thread often?....
What's a nice girl like you doing in a thread like this?
What's a nice girl like you doing in a thread like this?
Waiting for a bad girl like you, natch!
So, is the pickup line what finally gets one to agree to go to bed, or is it what starts the are-we-gonna-go-to-bed banter?
The latter. It's what you say to Random Person In Bar to start the conversation.
slips Tep my phone number