I'm not quite awake. I got woken up WAY too early this morning, and couldn't get back to sleep, and now I'm trying to stay awake as long as I can to get myself back on a normal schedule. I fear this may backfire.
Also, I just got an "I'm too pretty to do math" tank top. This amuses me greatly.
Oh, and the Lily pictures are adorable. I skipped a whole bunch of posts, so there are probably other things taht I should respond to, too.
Lilybean is insanely cute.
Camera shots from below of a seal returning to a breathing hole in the ice have an extraordinary unearthly beauty.
Hooded seals less so. But I still likes 'em. Especially the sound effects.
Hooded seals are their whole own kind of ugly.
My internet connection is being cranky. I've had to restart the router & modem 5 times tonight.
12-foot prehensile penis ahoy!
Have we ever considered that Captain Ahab may have had some very personal unspoken reasons for seeking revenge against the white whale?
You know, the Wally report seems to have raunched up a bit from what I remember.
You know, the Wally report seems to have raunched up a bit from what I remember.
Pfft. As I recall, the Wally report has previously been COMM'd for the prehensile penis. This is old hat (so to speak).
I am done cleaning for now, and I am about to have potato skins.
Psst, Perkins. Hug juliana for me, will you?