There's nearly always a bus every 5 minutes or so, there are a thousand ways to get to the metro, and the taxi service is hideously cheap. The worst part is, the busses are overcrowded, the metro is filled with pushy people, and the streets have horrific potholes from rock slides. The first time driving in a taxi with a non-native driver, you'd swear thatthe contraption has no shocks.
Sounds just like New York. Except for the rock slides.
I really enjoyed
Alien Nation.
Don't know that I'd have paired it with
off the top of my head, but I can think of worse matches.
Oh, but New York get's different weather during the year. In Bogota, we get different whether depending on geography. You have to dress in layers depending on how you get to your destination.
Say you need to get to the other side of the city from where my old house is. You have to leave the house in a warm sweater, a muffler, and a long heavy coat. You also have to bring a huge granny bag. Take a taxi to the metro. At the metro station, just along the mountain edge, it's raining lightly so you have to huddle under some shleter. Get on the metro. Leave the lee of the moutain.
Suddenly, the metro in is direct sunlight and it's unbearably hot. To switch, the outer layer is removed, and you are reduced to a skimpy tube top and thin, knee-length khakis. Leaving the destination, you are positioned so that the lee winds are coming directly behind you. You have to do put the sweater on to keep off the cold chill. Then, into a final taxi and off with the sweater. Arrive at destination in a sunny spot where the lee winds can't reach. Remove sweater and warm shoes. Trade for strappy sandle/go barefoot.
Then, you get to reverse the process to go home. The constant upper body movement is very good for your arms.
sending out the ma~~ to spidra's mom.
I would like to be down to one car, but although there are buses- I don't know how they work. and the one time I used them - the bus driver was very surly . and in the winter I am a wimp and I don't walk if it might rain.
Well - got a nice raise, but didn't get my grade change. My contract and program manager blocked it due to the change from exempt to non-exempt. Fuckers.
But "it will be reviewed during the first quarter of 2006". Yeah, I'll believe it when I see it. I repeat - fuckers.
In Bogota, we get different whether depending on geography. You have to dress in layers depending on how you get to your destination.
It sounds like Extreme San Francisco.
Spidra, many prayers for your poor mom--that she isn't injured too badly, that she'll heal quickly, and that the driver who hit her will be well insured.
But I think if I told him I'd live in London, he'd chose London over the Dodge any day.
I'll live in London, and give up the car, even the spanking new one.
MG, what does the grade change give you that the raise doesn't?