Also, I hope that that the ginger ale helps.
And Jamaican grocery access? Ginger beer has SO much more actual ginger and works when mere ale fails.
Still, the prospect of having usable vision in my left eye again makes it so worth it. Today I noticed that when using my left eye alone, I can just barely read the time on the clock on the wall of my office. That's the first time in about 6 weeks that I've been able to do that.
SO worth it. I'm with J -- its an obnoxious little wonder drug but it really can be a wonder. How glad was I to breathe again? SO. GLAD.
Ginger beer has SO much more actual ginger and works when mere ale fails.
But beware if sugar is a contributing factor to your nausea -- it has more of that too. When ginger ale fails I go for ginger tea--either from bags or straight from the root, depending on severity or what's available.
Morning Bitches! Hope everyone had a great holiday!
Well, I hope the improvement continues, whether the root cause is identified or not.
Ginger tea is quite soothing, in my experience. But if I'm nauseous, I typically need sugar, so I add some.
Empress! I keep meaning to tell you - my new place is near this. I haven't been yet, but I am intrigued.
Well, I guess it's afternoon now, but it seems like morning here. We are back home and my parents are visiting. Ellie seems happy to be back in her environment. I love how good my mom is with Ellie. I wish we could convince her to stay.
Ellie is getting over another cold. She gave it to me and I'm almost through it. I'll be glad when this one is over. The good news is that now that her teeth have broken through, she's back to her regular, happy, non-clingy self.
Oh, I like camel barns!!!
I got The Grimmerie for Chirstmas!
It's beeyootiful.
sperm poisoning
Hope you feel better, Plei. Ben's now sick. Chris is on the mend. Julia is still on the fence. I tried to quit earlier today, but nobody would take me seriously.
Hope you feel better, Plei. Ben's now sick. Chris is on the mend. Julia is still on the fence. I tried to quit earlier today, but nobody would take me seriously.
Oh my. That sounds quite trying. Well, you seem to be chugging along quite nicely.
I got The Grimmerie for Chirstmas!
So did my bnest friend! I found it lovely, and informative, and I saw it right before she told me she got me a ticket to see Wicked when it comes through town as a Birthday/Christmas present, as that it was the only thing I didn't request for Christmas because the price was quite steep.
Get better, everyone.
I feel very accomplished today. DH always wonders why i don't go to the coffee shop everyday. That's becasue I would be getting home about now. and today I did something that I have wanted to do since before we moved into this house. I sorted thru all my jewlery. I can find it all now. and I have one box that I couldn't decide what to do with the stuff - so it is in a box tucked into th edresser. It only took an hour to make it realitvely easy o find stuff. I think I deserve breakfast now.