Ah, prednisone, I remember you well. So hungry. So psychotic. So glad when the course was over.
Still, the prospect of having usable vision in my left eye again makes it
worth it. Today I noticed that when using my left eye alone, I can just barely read the time on the clock on the wall of my office. That's the first time in about 6 weeks that I've been able to do that.
Still, the prospect of having usable vision in my left eye again makes it so worth it.
Oh, totally. (In my case, usable arms and hands! Woot!) But for a wonder-drug, it sure has some nasty wonder-side-effects, doesn't it?
That's the first time in about 6 weeks that I've been able to do that.
That's fantastic!
Great news, tommyrot. I hope the pred side-effects remain negligable and that your eyesight continues to improve.
That's great, tommyrot! I've been very skimmy and haven't really followed the details of your eye saga. Does this treatment mean they figured out what's wrong, or is it a try it and see if it helps thing?
Hope the ginger ale works it's magic, PMM.
Meanwhile, I am hungry and cannot sit still. Think I'll walk over to the grocery and get a TV dinner. (Although that can be dangerous, as they sell cheesecake and key lime pie by the slice.)
Does this treatment mean they figured out what's wrong, or is it a try it and see if it helps thing?
It's a try-it-and-see-if-it-helps thing. My Dr. wasn't enthused, but I read anecdotal stuff on the internets....
I've had some more bloodtest done (don't know results yet) but there's a good chance they'll never know what caused this.
Also, I hope that that the ginger ale helps.
And Jamaican grocery access? Ginger beer has SO much more actual ginger and works when mere ale fails.
Still, the prospect of having usable vision in my left eye again makes it so worth it. Today I noticed that when using my left eye alone, I can just barely read the time on the clock on the wall of my office. That's the first time in about 6 weeks that I've been able to do that.
SO worth it. I'm with J -- its an obnoxious little wonder drug but it really can be a wonder. How glad was I to breathe again? SO. GLAD.
Ginger beer has SO much more actual ginger and works when mere ale fails.
But beware if sugar is a contributing factor to your nausea -- it has more of that too. When ginger ale fails I go for ginger tea--either from bags or straight from the root, depending on severity or what's available.
Morning Bitches! Hope everyone had a great holiday!
Well, I hope the improvement continues, whether the root cause is identified or not.
Ginger tea is quite soothing, in my experience. But if I'm nauseous, I typically need sugar, so I add some.